Studentin vor dem Europa-Parlament
Bachelor programme

Degree profile

Begin of study
winter semester
6 semester
Academic degree
Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
full time and part time
Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
Tuition fee
semester contribution only
Admission restriction
no restricted admission
Dual-subject Bachelor
major and minor subject
Teaching language
German, English
School subject
Social studies
Teacher relevance
Secondary schools, Special schools, Vocational schools

Course Details

The increasing global integration of politics, law, economy and culture is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Interdisciplinary knowledge, as conveyed in the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt, is therefore becoming increasingly important.

Our Degree programmes combine the three subject areas :

  • Law
  • Social Sciences (political science and sociology)
  • Economics

In the major and minor in Social Sciences you will deal with social orders, institutions and organisations. The social sciences focus on the question of how political and social arrangements are created, reproduced and transformed.

In researching these connections, they emphasize historical, international and cultural comparison. In addition, the emphasis of method training highlights the role of social research as a science as well as knowledge of the methods of applied social research.

Extract from the modules
  • Constitutional Law
  • International Relations
  • Introduction to the social sciences
  • Theory of democracy
  • Applied statistics and data collection
  • Sociology
  • The German political system

Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt - successful and established since 2000

Choose your personal focus
  • Political science (e.g. political theory, policy field analysis, analysis of political systems)
  • Sociology (e.g. social structure analysis, sociological theory)

Niklas studies Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt (in German)

Video Staatswissenschaften Uni Erfurt

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Job & Career Perspectives

Our policy experts work, for example:

  • in national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs),
  • with parties and associations,
  • with foundations,
  • in public administration,
  • in political and economic consulting,
  • in social science research.

Meet our alumni!

Our Alumni (in German)

[Translate to English:] Video Staatswissenschaft Alumni

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Details of the degree programme

Orientation phase (1st - 2nd semester)

If you combine the subject of Social Sciences with a focus on Political Science and Sociology with a minor from the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences - Law concentration (International Relations, Management, Law or Economics), you will take part in the joint orientation phase of Economics, Law and Social Sciences - Social Science concentration.

Compulsory modules:

  • Fundamentals of Law I (6 CP)
  • Constitutional Law (6 CP)
  • Civil Law I (6 CP)
  • Fundamentals of Social Sciences: International Relations (6 CP)
  • Social Science Foundations: Introduction to the Social Sciences (6 CP)
  • Fundamentals of Social Sciences: Statistics (6 CP)
  • Introduction to Business Administration (6 CP)
  • Introduction to Microeconomics (6 CP)
  • Introduction to Macroeconomics and Economic Policy (6 CP)

and a Q-phase module of the major or minor subject (open for the O-phase)

If you have combined the subject Social Sciences with a minor outside the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences - Law concentration (not International Relations, Management, Law or Economics):

Compulsory modules:

  • Constitutional Law (6 CP)
  • Fundamentals of Social Sciences: International Relations (6 CP)
  • Social Science Foundations: Introduction to the Social Sciences (6 CP)
  • Fundamentals of Social Sciences: Statistics (6 CP)

Compulsory elective modules:

  • Fundamentals of Law I (6 CP)
  • Civil Law I (6 CP)
  • Introduction to Business Administration (6 CP)
  • Introduction to Microeconomics (6 CP)
  • Introduction to Macroeconomics and Economic Policy (6 CP)

Qualification phase (3rd-6th semester)

Basic modules:

  • Fundamentals of Social Sciences: Theory of Democracy (6 CP)
  • Social Science Foundations: Applied Statistics and Data Collection (6 CP)
  • Social Science Foundations: Sociology (6 CP)
  • Social Science Basics: The German Political System (6 CP)

Specialisation modules:

  • International Political Economy (6 CP)
  • Normative Foundations of World Politics (6 CP)
  • Foreign Policy and Security (6 CP)
  • Quantitative Methods (6 CP)
  • Qualitative Methods (6 CP)
  • Research Seminar (6 CP)
  • History of Political Ideas (6 CP)
  • Basic concepts of political theory (6 CP)
  • Political Theories of the Present (6 CP)
  • Social Structure Analysis (6 CP)
  • Sociological Theory (6 CP)
  • Political Sociology (6 CP)
  • Political Field Analysis (6 CP)
  • Political Institutions (6 CP)
  • Analysis of political systems (6 CP)
  • Additional module: Fields of research (6 CP)
  • Additional module: Fundamentals of Political Education (6 CP)

Examination regulations & module catalogue

In the respective examination regulations you will find important information on the study objectives and content, language requirements, the structure of the programme as well as the teaching units and module examinations.

Examination regulations for the major and minor subject Economics, Law and Social Sciences - Social Sciences 2021 (pdf)

Your semester abroad

A semester abroad in an English-speaking country is strongly recommended. The International Office will be happy to help you organise your stay abroad.

Studying abroad

Get to know our students who have already studied abroad in our blog "I like my university".

"I'm off then..." with Katharina in Grenoble

Internships during your studies

  • Interdisciplinary internship for vocational field
  • Optional: career-orientated internship

Further internships for students with the career goal of a teaching profession:

  • Two school-related internships in the Bachelor's programme

More information on internships

Further Master's programmes at the University of Erfurt

You can follow the Bachelor's programme in Social Sciences (Sociology and Political Science) with the following Master's programmes:

Master's programme Democracy and Economy

Master's programme in Public Policy

Master's programme Economics, Law and Social Sciences

Master of Education in Vocational Schools

Master of Education Special Needs Pedagogy

Master of Education Secondary Schools

Federal election for female students
Law student Uni Erfurt
Studierende auf dem Campus

Admission requirements

Language requirements for the social sciences degree programme

Before starting the programme:

  • English language level B2

Language Centre

The Language Centre offers around 140 language courses per semester in 16 modern and old (foreign) languages. It supports you in acquiring and improving your language skills.

Language Centre

International applications

Applicants whose native language is not German must provide proof of German language skills (level B1) at the time of application.

Information on required German language skills and the German language exam for admission to higher education (DSH):

Language skills and admission requirements

Study social sciences without NC

There are currently no admission restrictions (without admissions restricted courses) for Social Sciences with a major in Political Science and Sociology (Economics, Law and Social Sciences). If you meet the admission requirements, you can enrol directly in the degree programme or apply to combine it with a major or minor subject with admission restrictions (see application).

Studying at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
Information for prospective students

What the students say...

The seminars are particularly enriching. The informal atmosphere gives you the feeling that you will soon know all the lecturers well. The interdisciplinary nature of the degree programme also highlights other exciting degree programmes, especially law and economics.

Assessment by Carl at Studycheck

There really is a lot more to this subject area than you might first think. Especially due to the super motivating university lecturers who show enthusiasm and pass this on to you. Especially due to the "smaller number" of students, every student is really recognised and can approach the contact persons with their concerns.

Rating from Fran at Studycheck

The degree programme is very interesting because it is interdisciplinary. This means that social sciences, law and economics are dealt with together. This gives you a good overview of the elective specialisations. The lecture theatres are equipped with modern Technology (for Secondary Schools).

Rating from Lukas at Studycheck


Apply now!

The major and minor subject in Economics, Law and Social Sciences – Social Science concentration is admission-free (without NC).

Application for the two-subject Bachelor's degree:

If you wish to combine Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences – Social Science with an admission-free program (without NC), you can enrol directly from May 1 to September 15.

Enrol now for Economics, Law and Social Scienes - Social Science concentration!

If you wish to combine Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences – Social Science admission-restricted (with NC), please apply from May 1 to July 15 via the following link.

Apply now for Economics, Law and Social Scienes - Social Science concentration!

Getting to know Economics, Law and Social Sciences

Open Day on 26 April

Come to the Open Day and find out more about the Bachelor's programme in Social Sciences (Political Science/Sociology).

Take part now!

Photo Credits: Adobe Stock (Lalsstock)

Consulting & Service

Student advice and counselling

Student Advisory Service Bachelor Social Sciences
(Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
C03 – teaching building 1 / room 0137

Economics, Law and Social Sciences Student Council

Would you like to talk to Economics, Law and Social Sciences students? Write to them or follow them on Facebook and Instagram!

Talk to our students!

We are happy to advise you!

Are you considering to study Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt, but are still unsure what to expect? Then simply contact us by e-mail at
and we will arrange a telephone call.

We (from left to right: Fee, Celine and Hanna) study different subject combinations and are happy to answer all kinds of questions about study contents or future opportunities, but also about Erfurt as a city of study or our student life.

Campusspezialistin Emilia

What inspires me about my degree programme...

Emilia has combined Economics, Law and Social Sciences – Social Science Concentration with Communication Science .

Find out more

Alumnus Robert Staatswissenschaften

Exactly right! I studied that too.

Robert has combined Economics, Law and Social Sciences – Law Concentration with Social Sciences Concentration .

Find out more

Podcast: "Property, sharing and the good life" (in German)

Preview picture Hartmut Rosa

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Podcast: "The end of the Merkel era" (in German)

Preview image Andre Brodocz

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