When preparing applications for third-party fundings, the team of the Research and Graduate Services supports researchers, who wants to realise their project at the University of Erfurt, in multiple ways:
In accordance with the administrative regulations governing the acquisition, management and use of third-party funds (Drittmittelrichtlinie / DMRL) of the State of Thuringia dated 4 October 2021, applications for public third-party funding or offers to carry out a third-party funding project must be forwarded by the applying/acquiring university member to the third-party funding provider via the Presidential Board or the offices appointed by it.
Therefore, please inform the Staff Unit Research and Graduate Services at an early stage if you are planning to submit a proposal for third-party funding. Contact is necessary at least four weeks before the planned submission in order to allow sufficient time for consultation and to obtain commitments/signatures from the university management. If the University of Erfurt's own contribution or own funds are planned or required in the project implementation, it is essential to involve the staff unit at an early stage.
The "Administrative Regulation on the Acquisition, Management and Use of Third-Party Funds (Third-Party Funding Guideline / DMRL)" of 4 October 2021 sets binding framework requirements for the uniform handling of third-party funds for university members and university administration and research support. These are additionally supported by university-specific regulations.
According to the guidelines, third-party funded projects are research, teaching or development projects that are carried out by members of the university as part of their work using third-party funds. They are carried out on the basis of grants or orders from third parties.
The guideline includes regulations on the conditions for applying for third-party funding as well as on financial management, employment relationships, financing of business trips and property regulations. It was published in the Official Gazette N. 44/2021.
Please familiarize yourself with the DMRL before submitting proposal proposals. You can find it under Research Services.
For DFG-funded project proposals, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) requires the funded institutions to establish guidelines for the use of the programme allowance. The DFG flat-rate programme allowance serves to proportionately compensate for indirect project expenses incurred in the course of the application, implementation, administration and management as well as processing of externally funded projects. The regulations governing the use of the DFG programme allowance at the University of Erfurt can be found in the Guidelines for the use of the DFG programme allowanceadopted by the Executive Board.
In order to ensure that you and, if necessary, your employees can be provided with suitable workplaces with the beginning of the project, it is essential that you inform about the needed working-places due the application process. Please inform the Research and Graduate Services about your foreseeable requirements and also seek consultation with your responsible faculty or research institution.
The organisation, archiving and re-usability of digital research data takes a more and more important role in the planning, implementation and publication of research projects in all scientific disciplines. Therefore, the research data management is an important aspect in all various steps of a research project, from the application planning to the implementation of research projects and publications to the re-usability of the resulting research data by other projects.
As part of the competence network of Research Data Management at the Thuringian universities, research data management at the University of Erfurt, is embedded in state and national-wide developments and brings it into line with international research data management trends.
Service office Research Data Management: Dr. Nadine Neute
All information on the request for an ethics vote by the Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt can be found here.
As part of some project funding formats from third-party funding sources (such as the BMBF or the VW Foundation), financial participation by the insitutions’s "own resources" is often expected. In most cases, these "own funds" are included in the expense budgeting of the approved project. However, in some cases a prior participation or a complete pre-financing of measures to prepare the project proves to be useful and may also increase the chances of a successful application.
An application for fundings from the matching fund can be made, when the participation by „own funds“ in research projects is either necessary or useful and other formats by the university-internal project funding cannot be used. The decision for allocation is made by the Presidium in accordance with an official application that must be coordinated in advance with the Research and Graduate Service.
For any questions regarding the Matching Fund, please contact the head of the Research and Graduate Services, Dr. Katharina Held.