Ideas with impact.

Welcome to the Founders Service of the University of Erfurt.

Our vision - The "Social Impact Campus"

We want to promote innovative, responsible and intercultural action with a Social Founder Campus at the University of Erfurt. 
The combination of sustainable and scalable business brings financial, ecological and ethical benefits into harmony.

The SIC in one click ... let's film! (please activate "subtitles" for english.)


Studierende bei der Arbeit im Team
Start-up consulting What can you expect from us?
Teaserbild SIC
Offers for Research Transfer Uncover transfer potential
Studentin auf der Wiese vor der Bibliothek
Our IDE(E)ALISTS Need some inspiration?
Gruppenbild StarTH-Netzwerk Oberhof 2024
The Thuringian university start-up network “StarTH” To the StarTH network


In our online event "Saving the world with our research? - Recognising and using the impact potential of the humanities and social sciences" on 16.11.2023, Dr Christoph Köller will be one of the experts who will report on German and international…

With our start-up project "KleinDaHeim", we are off to Munich for Europe's largest start-up fair "Bits & Pretzels 2023". With Hendrik Jahn (University of Erfurt) as the representative of the multi-member start-up team, the Founders Service is going…

At the annual reception of the SPD parliamentary group in Thuringia yesterday, we were also given the opportunity for a brief exchange with the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Katarina Barley. From "I" to "We" was the motto of this…

It was with great dismay that the Founders Service learned last Sunday of the tragic accidental death of Stefan Werner, managing director of Paritätischer Thüringen.

We regret the loss of a long-time companion and campaigner for social justice and…

Contact Founders Service


The Founders Service on social media

imprint, data protection and netiquette

You can view Facebook's privacy policy on this page:

Facebook Privacy Policy

We would like to point out that personal data can be collected by facebook, even if you open the page without your own facebook account.

You can view Instagram's privacy policy on this page:

Instagram Privacy Policy

We would like to point out that personal data can be collected by Instagram even if you open the page without your own Instagram account.

We want to experience and promote respectful cooperation on our social media channels Facebook and Instagram, which is why we reserve the right to delete inappropriate posts without comment.

If you have specific questions, please get in touch with us by email

Thank you! The team of the Founders Service

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