Research news

Geo-economics symposium discusses the "securitization" of trade relations, economic policy and cutting-edge technology

The (re)emergence of geoeconomics is not only a central topic in the debate on economic sovereignty, strategic trade relations and technological leadership. It also represents a challenge for the academic debate. The symposium "Geoeconomics. On the…

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Gotha Library Talk with Dr Dietrich Hakelberg and Dr Markus Meumann

„Kriegsbeute der Ernestiner. Bücher sammeln im Dreißigjährigen Krieg“ (Spoils of war of the Ernestines. Collecting books in the Thirty Years' War) is the title of the next event in the "Gotha Library Talks" series, to which the Gotha Research Library…

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Digital political education, but how?

Under the title "Bytes and bias – digital political education, but how?", this year's "Blickwinkel" conference series, a forum for education and science critical of anti-Semitism and racism, will take place at the University of Erfurt from 16 to 17…

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Focus on the early modern period: Gotha Research Centre celebrates its 20th anniversary

The Gotha Research Centre at the University of Erfurt began its work 20 years ago to support researchers in their exploration of Gotha's library collections. Today, it can look back on a success story – which will be celebrated next Thursday, 20…

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Prize for Dr Paulina Hauser's dissertation

KfW Promotional Bank and the Development Economics Commission of Socialpolitik e.V. (German Economic Association) honour early-stage researchers whose dissertations combine academic excellence and practical relevance for development policy with the…

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Lecture: "Dispose of things. How capitalism is forcing the end of private ownership of consumer goods"

As part of the project "Agenda Future-Oriented Consumer Research", a cooperation between the University of Kassel and the Max Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt, Professor Hartmut Rosa, Director of the Max Weber-Kolleg and Co-Speaker of the…

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"Perthes im Gespräch" about the German expedition to Central Africa (1861–1862)

"The German expedition to Central Africa in the years 1861–1862 and the participation of August Petermann, Theodor von Heuglin and Duke Ernst II of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha" is the title of the next event in the "Perthes im Gespräch" series (Perthes in…

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Open House for the 20th anniversary of the Gotha Research Centre

The Gotha Research Centre at the University of Erfurt will be 20 years old this year. This will be celebrated on Thursday, 20 June, with a summer party in the Landscape House on Gotha's Schlossberg.

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