Studying with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

Finding the right course of studies for yourself is not easy. Prospective students with long-term impairments (e.g. hearing, seeing and speaking impairments, as well as those with posturing and movement devices, chronic-somatic and physical illnesses such as partial performance and autism-spectrum disruptions) need special information about:

  • Will my impairment be considered in the application procedure (e.g. as a hardship case)?

  • How are the course requirements in my programme of study? Can I study ‘well’ with my impairment? Will I receive support?

Contact Points for these questions for:

  • Prospective Students

  • Applicants

  • Students

  • Graduates (who do not belong to academic staff);

are the Diversity Officer and the Department I: Registrar's Office for prospective students and their team. The Officer can consult and support you in study-related affairs that are connected to your impairment. We will gladly help you obtain an overview and help you find informational and consulting offers that can answer your specific questions and clarify your concerns. Early contact is recommended.

The following references are prepared by the German Student Services Office, Information and Consulting Centre Studying and Disabilities.
(Stand Berlin, 06.04.2017)

1. Semester Ticket

With enrolment at the University of Erfurt and every re-registration, a semester ticket for the public transport system of the Erfurter Verkehrsbetriebe (EVAG), the transport association of Central Thuringia (VMT) and the DB-Regio in Thuringia is included. Upon payment of the semester fee, all students can use their student ID (thoska) as a semester ticket (for prices, see the contribution regulations of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen) during the validation period printed on the thoska. The conditions of carriage are summarised in this document.

Exemption and Re-payment of these Fees in the Case of a Severely Disabled Person's Pass with a current token:

Upon request, the Studierendenwerk Thüringen will reimburse students with disabilities who are entitled to transport according to the law for severely disabled persons in the Ninth Book of the Social Security Code (SGB IX) and who provide proof of this (severely disabled person's ID card with the marks G, aG, Bl, Gl or H incl. supplementary sheet with valid token) for fees already paid for the semester ticket (reimbursement). According to the contribution regulations of the Studierendenwerk, applications for reimbursement must be submitted to the Studierendenwerk no later than one day before the start of the semester. Please use the application form for the refund of the Studierendenwerk fee for this purpose.

You can also be exempted from the fees for the semester ticket by submitting an informal application to the Dezernat 1: Studium und Lehre before enrolment or re-registration. For this purpose, the relevant evidence (copy of the front and back of the severely disabled person's ID card and a current token) must be enclosed with the application (exemption).

2. Housing/Accomodation

Are you looking for affordable accommodation tailored to your special needs for your studies at the University of Erfurt? The Studierendenwerk Thüringen manages several housing complexes directly on and near the university campus. If you have special requirements for your living space, e.g. barrier poor, you should contact the Studierendenwerk as early as possible. The Student Housing Department will be happy to help you find suitable accommodation.

3. Cost Assumption for Technical Aids

You can get advice on this, for example, from the European Independent Participation Counselling (EUTB)

or through the Eingliederungshilfe Erfurt

or your Health Insurance Fund

or through the Café B. The B stands for disability, counselling and civic engagement. Café B is an office community and serves as a contact, information and support centre for self-determined living for people with disabilities. The barrier-free premises offer good opportunities for low-threshold counselling in Erfurt.

Café B is the central contact point in Erfurt for:

- People with disabilities and chronic illnesses who want to find out about the personal budget, for example.

- People in need of care and their relatives

- People with and without disabilities who want to get involved in interpersonal, neighbourhood or neighbourhood activities.

4. Study with Hearing Impairment


All lecture halls (HS) at the University of Erfurt are equipped with hearing loops (T-coils). In HS 3 and 4, all seats are integrated into the hearing loops. Please note that in lecture halls 1 and 2 as well as 5 and 6 only the marked rows of seats are integrated. Please inform the lecturer at the beginning of each lecture that the T-coil will be connected.

If you are dependent on written translation, you can be connected to the lectures for appropriate services. Selected lecture rooms are equipped with audio equipment for this purpose. The written interpretation is then played back online on your laptop or tablet. Here is a selection of agencies with the corresponding contact details:

VerbaVoice: English and German language events

Kombia: English and German language events

Hörsicht Berlin: only German language events

In addition, independently working written interpreters can also be contacted.

IMPORTANT: You must apply to the relevant funding body for the assumption of costs in good time. If you have your first place of residence in Erfurt, this is the state capital of Erfurt and here the Eingliederungshilfe Erfurt.

Study with wheelchair

In principle, all teaching buildings are accessible for wheelchair users. For courses, we try to make the courses on the ground floor accessible to you. You should send us your timetable in good time so that we can take it into account when allocating rooms in Dezernat 1.


Bernhard Becher, Ass. Jur., LLM-UEA
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – administration building / C02.00.20
Office hours
on appointment
Diversity Officer
(University of Erfurt)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.40