Living Diversity

Symboldbild Diversität
Symbolild Vielfalt Brotsorten in Bäckerauslage
Kleines Kind im Anschnitt zu sehen malt mit Buntstiften
Bunte Blumenwiese

Diversity as a fact, inclusion as an act.

Diversity is important to us – it is an integral part of our university's profile and is therefore also present on campus every day. We see diversity as an opportunity. We can benefit together from an open and constructive approach to diversity, individuality and plurality. Inclusion is a joint task for us as a university. We can all make a contribution to this. But there is also support - from the Diversity Advisory Board and the Diversity Officer.


Students and employees of the University of Erfurt now have access to a new support service for cases of racially motivated attacks. The initiators are the International Office and the Diversity Officer, who now want to implement the offer as a…

Inclusion polarises society and attracts a great deal of attention, particularly in the media. The concept of inclusion often becomes a political issue or a bluewashing tool, with companies presenting an "inclusive" image to the outside world without…

The University of Erfurt has once again scored points in the Female Professors Programme 2030 with its gender equality concept. An independent review panel has now selected the university as one of a total of 56 universities for funding. The…

Violence – whether physical or psychological – is still part of everyday life for women all over the world. From 25 November to 10 December, Human Rights Day, a worldwide campaign is drawing attention to this. Alongside numerous other institutions,…

You can find other events at the university in our events calendar.




The University of Erfurt sees itself as cosmopolitan. People as they are, with different social backgrounds and educational biographies, in different life situations, with chronic illness and illness and disability or healthy, with family responsibilities, with diverse gender and sexual identities, different skin colours, different migration histories, different nationalities and ethnic affiliations, religions, world views and a multitude of other differentiating characteristics – they should all feel welcome at the University of Erfurt and see it as a place that they can help to shape and develop.“ (excerpt from our diversity strategy)

All members and affiliates of the university endeavour to serve the peaceful coexistence of mankind through research, teaching and study. They are aware of their responsibility towards society, they deal with the possible consequences of the dissemination and utilisation of their research results.“ (§ 6 para. 4 sentences 1–2 of the University‘s Basic Regulations)

The University of Erfurt sees itself as an open-minded employer that values diversity. It is committed to diversity and gender equality and welcomes applications that contribute to this. The University of Erfurt has successfully completed the ‚Shaping Diversity‘ audit, has been audited as a ‚family-friendly university‘ and has been awarded the title of ‚Equality Excellent‘ in the female professors programme.“

„The universities have self-determined civil clauses that are based on moral and ethical standards. For this they are aware of their responsibility towards society. They consider the possible consequences of disseminating and utilising their research results, in particular any use that could endanger the peaceful coexistence of people; the results must be published.“ (§ 5 para. 3 Thuringian Higher Education Act)     

The universities are guided by the spirit of freedom in responsibility for social justice, peace, preservation and improvement of living and environmental conditions and observe the principles of sustainable development, in particular consideration of the sustainability strategy of the Thuringian state. In accordance with their mission, they serve the cultivation and development of the sciences and the arts through research, teaching, studies and further education in a liberal, democratic and social constitutional state.“ (§ 5 para. 1 sentences 1–2 Thuringian Higher Education Act)

The personality of each individual, respect for each person and consideration of their dignity are of central importance to the
University of Erfurt. Therefore, no person may be disadvantaged within university life at the University of Erfurt on the basis of their gender, ethnic or social origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or identity, religion, ideology or political views. Behaviour that respects the personality of others is valued. Behaviour that hurts others must be refrained from.“

These statements are also available as poster versions in German and English.

Click here for download.

Living and promoting diversity at the University of Erfurt (Part 1)

[Translate to English:] Vorschaubild Video Diversität leben Uni Erfurt

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Living and promoting diversity at the University of Erfurt (Part 2)

Vorschaubild Video Diversität leben Uni Erfurt

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Questions, concerns, suggestions?

Do you have a concern that you would like to discuss in person? Please feel free to contact us, the door is open.

Diversity Officer
(University of Erfurt)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.40

" [...] they should all [people as they are] feel welcome at the University of Erfurt and see it as a place that they can help to shape and develop." (excerpt from the diversity strategy)

diversity strategy of the University of Erfurt for download