Manage your own data

Go directly to the login. Please also note our instructions for maintaining your own data on this page.


The personal data is stored in the personal database of our website. 

Please note: The initial creation of the data record must be carried out by the university's web team. (This requires surname, first name, email address and a role with organisational unit and role description. Please contact us via the university's ticket system).

Every person with a university login (LDAP) can log in to edit their personal data record. The data is maintained in the so-called backend, i.e. the area in which all people who have a login with us for editorial maintenance of the website also work on the website. This also means that people who work as editors on the website also see their usual functions for editing pages, while people without these editorial rights only see the "Edit my data" area.

Please note: Changes on this page automatically affect the display of your data on the entire website. If you do not opt-in, no information about you can be displayed on the website. The embedded business cards depend on the role you have defined, so if you delete a role, the business card information will be deleted as well.

(Please note: Other requirements apply for externals and alumni who do not have a login. To the information and the form).


Log in with your own login. You will now see the backend.

Select the function "Meine Daten bearbeiten" (Edit my data). You will see information

  • on the person [Allgemeinl]
  • on the respective roles / functions [Relationen]
  • to the picture linked to your data record [Bild].

Please notice:

The default language in the backend is German. You can only change this setting independently if you are also a TYPO3 editor. (Please contact us at if you want us to change the backend language for your account). The language selector displayed above the workspace refers to the German and English versions of your personal data set.


On the "General" tab, information on the academic status (prefix: Dr., Prof. Dr. etc. and suffix: M.A.) can be entered in the free text field.

  • Telephone: Your telephone number entered here will be used if you have not entered a telephone number in the data for the respective function.
  • Name, first name and email are pulled from our system and, as they are needed to link your record, cannot be adjusted.
  • Personal page: Do you have a personal page on our website? Here you can enter the page number which is given in the footer of this page. Your page will then be linked wherever your personal record is used on our site.
  • Opt-In: If you do not set the opt-in, no data from you can be displayed on the website.
  • ORCID ID: ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit organisation that assigns unique identification numbers (ORCID iDs) to authors. You can enter this number here and it will be displayed on your personal page. (Prerequisite: The person detail plugin is integrated on your page, which displays all the data stored in your personal data record).


Your roles are created or existing roles are edited here. Each function you perform corresponds to a role. You can have different roles with individual contact details, which can also be located in different organisational units.

  • Organisationseinheit (Organisational unit): Indicates the unit in which you are located with your role. The units are always shown in combination with your role in brackets. The units cannot be edited by you.
  • Funktion (Function): Indicates your role, e.g. research assistant.
  • E-Mail-Adresse, Telefon etc. (E-mail address / telephone / fax / building and room number / addresses): Here you can enter all necessary contact details. Please note the format requirements and that abbreviations such as LG 4 are not obvious to external users.
  • Sprechzeiten mit Link und Linktext (Office hours with link and link text): Enter your office hours here. Please note that space is limited. If you want to enter a link, use the "link picker" and note that a link is only displayed if the link text field is also maintained.


If you upload a picture here, this photo will also be displayed on the University of Erfurt website where your personal data is linked. To exchange the picture, you must first delete the existing picture.

You can select the section displayed via the editor.

Please note that photos with low resolution cannot be displayed properly. The size of the uploaded image should not exceed 500 KB.

Important: Bilingualism: German / English

On our website we work in two languages: German and English. Therefore, you can also maintain your contact details in these two languages.

Even if you only need one of the two languages, it is essential for the functioning of our website that all data records ALWAYS exist at least in German and can also exist in English.

The standard language - in which search engines and e.g. screen readers read our pages - is German. This means that the German data set MUST also contain German content.

If, on the other hand, the English details are not explicitly adapted, there is always a so-called fallback variant here, in which, for example, the organisational unit as well as fixed terms - telephone, address, office hours - are translated, the other data, such as the designation of the role, are displayed from the German version.

Externs and alumni (without login)

Our personal database also allows the recording of data of external persons or alumni in order to make them accessible on the website, e.g. in the context of (research) projects. For this purpose, data such as first and last name, (former) job title and the current university/organisation are to be published. It is also possible to include an individual photo and contact details and, if the person belongs to an organisational unit and in consultation with that unit, to include a short vita and, for example, a bibliography (on a separate webpage).

Please note:

  • For persons without a university affiliation at the University of Erfurt - externals and alumni - and thus without a login for independent processing and release of the data, written consent is required for the storage and display of this data.
  • For data protection reasons, the maintenance, modification or removal of data in the personal database (name, e-mail address or other contact details, photo, function [=role] and functional unit) can only be done by the central web team (contact:
  • The (former) section is responsible for creating/deleting a personal page with further information.

Further information on the data required can be found in the form, which is available in German and English and can be sent by e-mail or post to the web team at the contact details given in the form.

Information on data protection as well as on cancelling your consent can be found below on this page.

Information according to Art. 13/14 GDPR (data protection declaration)

The central maintenance of the accessibility data of persons ensures a uniform presentation and, above all, up-to-date output on all websites where it is needed and should be displayed.  The basis is a database within the Web-CMS TYPO3. The photos are stored in a separate TYPO3 folder. Please send photos to typo3@uni-erfurt, stating the name of the person concerned.

Name and address of the responsible person

C02 – administration building / C02.01.40

Name and address of the Data Protection Officer

Anabell Köhler
Data protection officer
(University of Erfurt)
C16 – library / 45
Deputy Data Protection Officer
(University of Erfurt)
C07 – teaching building 2 / 130d

Legal basis

Accessibility data is provided as necessary. The legal basis is ThürHG §11 (2). Thus the following data may be published without consent:

  • Name
  • Position, title and function
  • Telephone and fax number
  • E-mail address, Internet address

For the additional, voluntary information, publication is based on Article 6, 1a) DSGVO.

Stored information
The initial filling of the database with first and last names as well as business e-mail addresses is done from the central university directory LDAP.
The data is supplemented on a voluntary basis with photos and other information such as office hours. Preference is given to using the functional e-mail address for the respective role of the person instead of the personal e-mail address. This is only displayed if no functional e-mail address is entered.
Each person can edit their own data (except photos*) via a login-protected front-end form.  Publication will be made within the limits of what is necessary (see legal basis). Voluntary information can be added by the persons themselves. Consent is also given via this front-end form. The date of consent is stored in the database with a time stamp. If consent is revoked, the display of all contact data immediately disappears from the websites where it is integrated.
For external persons (e.g. committee members), alumni / emeriti, written consent is obtained. They cannot maintain their data themselves.

Data deletion and storage duration
The personal data of the person concerned will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of the storage no longer applies. Furthermore, data may be stored if a written declaration of consent is available. (Link to the form add).
Voluntary data can be deleted by the persons themselves. The data will be deleted from the database after a certain period of time (please specify) (e.g. when the person leaves the service, when there is no longer a need for it and when no consent is given for further publication).

Rights of data subjects:
You have the right of access to your stored data. You can exercise the right to deletion, revocation of your data protection consent and corrections yourself via the web form. Former users who have given their written consent should contact:
They have the right to complain to the competent supervisory authority.
You can also contact the University of Erfurt's data protection department datenschutz@uni-erfurt.deat any time.