Online application

Application for Bachelor degree programmes with restricted admissions

At the University of Erfurt, two subjects (one main and one subsidiary) are studied in the Bachelor programme. These are referred to as partial study programmes in the following.

If a partial course of study has restricted admission, only a limited number of places are available for this. The number of admissions (place capacity) is determined anew each year. The allocation of places is carried out according to the Thuringian Study Place Allocation Ordinance (ThürStudienplatzVVO).

Application for WS 2024/25

The application is possible from 01 May. Your application for admission must be submitted to the application portal ofthe University of Erfurt by 15.07.2024 (deadline) at the latest.

At the University of Erfurt there are no special application deadlines for so-called " Altabitur" students (i.e. applicants who completed their Abitur last year or earlier).

Note: If the end of a cut-off deadline falls on a Sunday, public holiday or Saturday, the deadline ends with the expiry of the corresponding day and is not extended until the end of the next following working day (according to § 5 Para. 8 Thuringian Study Place Allocation Ordinance).

Admission restriction (NC)

In the winter semester 2024/25, the following Bachelor partial degree programmes are subject to admission restrictions:

  • International Relations (main subject)
  • Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology (main subject)
  • Primary Education (main subject)
  • Sport and Physical Education (subsidiary subject)

Participation in the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV)

The University of Erfurt will participate in the Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure (DoSV) for the winter semester 2024/25 with all admission-restricted partial study programmes.

The admission figures determined by the University of Erfurt will be published here at the latest by the end of the application deadline after approval by the Ministry.


How do I apply?

What deadlines must be observed?

A Bachelor programme with restricted admission at the University of Erfurt can be taken up for the winter semester.

Application period: 1 May - 15 July 2024 (cut-off deadline)

How does the online application work?

1. registration on

In the first step, you register via the portaland then log in with your access data. In the course of registration, you will be assigned two individual identification numbers, the applicant ID (BID) and the applicant authentication number (BAN), which you will need for your applications in the University of Erfurt application portal.

2. registration in the applicant portal of the University of Erfurt

If you are already studying at the University of Erfurt, please log in to the student portal (tab 'Application') and start your application there.

If you are not yet studying at the University of Erfurt, you must also register on the application portalof the University of Erfurt after registering on Hochschulstart in order to create an applicant account. When registering, please enter your access data from (BID and BAN) in order to transfer your personal and contact data from there.

Please note that you may only make any changes to your personal data within the application process on!!!

For registration, please also use an e-mail address that you check regularly. After registration, you will receive a message (welcome e-mail) with your user ID and an activation code / activation link to the e-mail address you provided. You can activate your account by entering the activation code or by calling up the activation link from the e-mail.

Important: Please remember your user ID, which you will receive in the welcome e-mail after your registration, as well as your self-selected password. You will need this to log in to the University of Erfurt application portal in future.

You must register again for each application semester. Data from previous semesters will be deleted. If you have already registered for the current application semester, you can log in directly with your access data.

As part of the application or enrolment process at the University of Erfurt, personal data is collected from you and stored. Before filling out the online form, please note the following information:

Information in accordance with Art. 13 EU-DSGVO on the collection, processing and use of personal data as part of the admission and enrolment procedures

3. submit application

After successful registration in the application portal of the University of Erfurt, you can now submit one or more application forms.

After you have selected your desired degree programme, you will be guided through the application step by step. As part of the application, you will be asked to upload documents (such as university entrance qualification) at some points. Once you have completed the data entry, your application will have the status "In preparation". You have the opportunity to check everything again and correct it if necessary.

Incomplete applications and applications that have not (yet) been submitted will be saved so that the application can be continued when you return.

Don't forget to submit your application (electronically) afterwards!

4. submit application (electronically)

In order for your application to be processed and checked, you still need to submit it electronically. After submitting an application, it receives the status "Received" and appears under "Submitted applications" in your application overview. In combination with an admission-free Bachelor partial degree programme, the application subject status "Admitted" is already displayed (except for the admission-free Bachelor partial degree programmes with special admission requirements: Music, Arts and Communication Studies, as these have to be examined separately).

The application is completely digital, i.e. you do not have to send any documents by post !

5. prioritise applications

In the DoSV you can submit up to 12 applications nationwide, including a maximum of 3 applications to the University of Erfurt.

If you submit more than one application in the dialogue-oriented service procedure, please remember to prioritise your desired studies. You need to put your study preferences in an order that you yourself have determined. This is important so that can provide you with the admission that most closely matches your wishes. You can prioritise in the portal under "My applications" via the link "Prioritise applications" below the table "Submitted applications".

Please note: The determination of admission depends on your prioritisation! For example, if there are two offers of admission, the application with the lower priority is immediately and irrevocably eliminated from the procedure! In the case of admission offers that follow each other closely, this can mean that of your 12 applications, only the application with the highest priority remains within a very short time, which is immediately converted into an admission.

Detailed information on the application process including prioritisation and on the individual phases in the DoSV can be found on the website.

6. stay up to date

You can track the status of your applications in the University of Erfurt application portal. If you have activated the e-mail notification in the application portal, you will receive an e-mail from us if there has been a change in the status of your student application.

You will be informed by by e-mail about changes in the status of your application(s) and about possible admission offers.

If the University of Erfurt has set the status of your application to "Valid", it will take part in the procedure. Applications with the status "Received" or "Provisionally excluded" do not take part in the procedure, as documents may still be missing. Please be sure to note the status of the university in the University of Erfurt applicant portal!

What happens in case of approval?

You will be informed by about possible admission offers or admission according to the coordination rulesby e-mail and in the portal.

If you have actively accepted an admission offer or an admission according to the coordination rules, you will receive the letter of admission electronically in the application portal of the University of Erfurt. You have 14 days (cut-off period) to accept the study place by applying for enrolment electronically. The information you already entered in your application must be supplemented by some data that we require for your studies at our university. Please follow the further instructions in the applicant portal and then let yourself be guided through the online enrolment!
After completing your data, click on the 'Finish and calculate fees' button.  The fees and contributions to be paid for the enrolment are now calculated on the basis of this data and the corresponding invoice(s) are listed.

By clicking on the “To overview” button, you will return to the overview page with your application and enrolment applications. Please submit all documents for enrolment digitally by the deadline. Clicking on the “Next to document upload” button will lead you directly to the required documents.
After you have uploaded the required documents the enrolment application is complete and your documents can be checked by us.

If you do not apply for enrolment within the 14-day deadline or do not upload the documents required for enrolment or upload them after the deadline, the study place will immediately be allocated to another applicant and will no longer be available to you!

What happens after enrolment?

If you have uploaded all the required documents and you fulfil the admission requirements for a Bachelor programme at the University of Erfurt, we will enrol you.

As your enrolment application status changes to “enroled”, your user data for the university account (University of Erfurt e-mail address, your user name and the initial password) will be available on the start page of the applicant portal. The initial password must first be changed for unrestricted use of the services of the University Computer and Media Center (URMZ). The change is made via the URMZ user portal. Only then is your university account active. As soon as you have activated your university account by changing the initial password, you can also use it to log in to the applicant/student portal. Your previous access data (applicant account) will only be available as a temporary login after enrolment.

We will send you your student ID card (thoska) by post.
Once you have enroled, you will be a member of the University of Erfurt from the start of the semester.

Please note that you will need to validate your student ID card (thoska) before using it for the first time. It is best to do this on your first visit to the campus.

Campus map of the University of Erfurt with references to the locations of the thoska devices (German only)

Student Orientation Days (STET)

You are cordially invited to the Student Orientation Days in the week before lectures begin. These will give you a good start to your studies.

You will find all the information and the times of the individual events on the Student Orientation Days (STET) pages from the end of September.

Student Orientation Days

Dates in the admission procedure


Start of the application period for the winter semester 2024/25


Open Day

On this day, the University of Erfurt presents itself and its degree programmes on campus.


Aptitude Test Arts - Registration Deadline

The practical aptitude test Art will take place on 13.06.2024.


Music aptitude test - Registration deadline

The aptitude test will take place on 18th and 19th June 2024.


Sports aptitude test - Registration deadline

The aptitude test takes place on 21.06.2024.
Attention: An application for participation in the admission procedure must be made in parallel by 15.07.2024 in the applicant portal of the University of Erfurt.


Application deadline for subjects with restricted admission

The application deadline for subjects with restricted admission is a cut-off deadline.


Implementation of the main proceedings


End of prioritising your applications

On this day you have the last opportunity to prioritise your applications on Hochschulstart.


As of today, you have the opportunity to receive an admission offer

- Issuing of offers of admission as well as conversion of an offer of admission into an admission provided that the application has the highest priority.

University of Erfurt:
- Notifications of admission are made available in the University of Erfurt's applicant portal
- The 14-day enrolment deadline (cut-off period) in the main procedure begins as soon as an admission is granted


End of the "Koordinierungsphase"

- Determining the best possible admission in each case
- Provision of the rejection notices


"Losverfahren" 1 - Start of application

If there are still places available, these will be drawn by lot. We will conduct up to two "Losverfahren".
Before the draw, applicants from the "Nachrückverfahren" will be considered first.


Implementation of the "Nachrückverfahren"

If there are still places available, applicants who have been rejected will move up first. A separate registration for the "Nachrückverfahren" is not necessary.


"Losverfahren" 1 - End of application


"Losverfahren" 1 - Draw of lots

After the draw, the notification of admission will be sent to you together with the declaration of acceptance for the study place to the e-mail address stated in the draw application.


"Losverfahren" 2 - End of application


"Losverfahren" 2 - Draw of lots

After the draw, the notification of admission will be sent to you together with the declaration of acceptance for the study place to the e-mail address stated in the draw application.


Studierendenangelegenheiten (Dezernat 1: Studium und Lehre)
Student Affairs
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – Verwaltungsgebäude / Ground floor (main entrance)
Office hours
in person: Monday to Thursday 12-15 hrs and by appointment
by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30