Competence-oriented personnel development for academics

The University of Erfurt's current offer in the area of competence-oriented personnel development for academics is aimed at all academics, i.e. those interested in doing a doctorate, doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and lecturers or professors. It is divided into the following programmes or areas:

Academic Skills Training with the components

  • promotion of key competences,
  • career coaching,
  • careerMe mentoring,

Higher education didactics programme with the following components

  • basic certification in higher education didactics,
  • community of practice "good lecturing",
  • didactic support in the (further) development of degree programmes
  • as well as didactic workshops for faculties and subject areas,

Offers for academic leaders with the components

  • Focus on Leadership - workshops and events,
  • leadership coaching
  • and (co-)financing of further training courses.
Academic Skills Programme
Academic Skills Training to the offers
University didactic programme
Didactic Programme to the offers
Offers for Academic Leaders to the offers

Further offers and services

two women at the computer
Training Programs of the University Computer and Media Center (URMZ) to the offers
Founders Service
Transfer Programme of the Founders Service to the offers