
Here you will find current announcements of various stipend formats, you can apply for at the University of Erfurt.

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E-mail encryption (optional): In the ZIP fileyou will find the certificate with the public key for the address in a PEM, DER and PKCS#7 format. You can import this certificate into your e-mail program (e.g. Mozilla Thunderbird, MS Outlook) and use it to send a S/MIME encrypted mail to

From the budget for gender equality measures of the Equal Opportunity Officer, female doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers, who are employees of the University of Erfurt can now apply for research grants, which can be used among others for conference travel, researcher funds, data access, additional equipment and more.

Doctoral candidates can apply for support up to 300 euros and postdoctoral candidates for support up to 500 euros.

Informal applications with a statement of expenses are accepted via

When applying for travel grants for conference travel, the certificate of acceptance of one's own active conference contribution must also be attached to the application. Further information can be found on the website of the Equal Opportunity Officer.

The Hans-Böckler-Stiftung awards up to 11 doctoral scholarship for the doctoral programme “De-Globalization and Global Decoupling (DeGlobE)” (PK 062), starting October 2025.

The doctoral programme "De-Globalisation and Global Decoupling" (DeGlobE) is researching how the recalibration of market and state, economic paradigms and regulatory levels and approaches that is emerging under conditions of de-globalisation manifests itself. On the one hand, DeGlobE is interested in the developing, specific "post-globalisation logics" that characterise these sectors. On the other hand, the question will be asked as to what consequences de-globalisation, unbundling and global decoupling have for normative goals such as social justice, socio-ecological transformation or the observance of human rights, and which mechanisms can take the place of former multilateral approaches.

DeGlobE is institutionally anchored within the Security and Capitalism Research Group at the University of Erfurt, were you will find further information on the objectives, research questions and possible doctoral projects. At the same time, DeGlobE cooperates with two certified graduate centers at the University of Erfurt - C2PO (Center for Political Practices and Orders) and EIPCC (Effective and Innovative Policymaking in Contested Contexts). This ensures a robust and interdisciplinary research environment for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers in which individual research projects find multiple entry points for pertinent methodological and disciplinary
conversations and supervision.

Scholarships will start between October 2025 and January 2026 and are awarded for a maximum of three years. This standard funding period can be extended in justified cases/ under extenuating circumstances. Doctoral students receive a monthly scholarship of €1,650 (€1,550 basic scholarship and €100 lump sum for research costs). In addition, a health insurance allowance of up to €100 and, if applicable, family allowances can be paid.

Application deadline is 28 April 2025. For further information see the Call for Applications.

At "News for early-stage researcher" you will find further external calls for proposals and funding opportunities.