You studied, researched or worked at the University of Erfurt or one of its predecessor institutions? Then we would like to invite you to become part of our alumni network! The network offers you the opportunity to keep in touch with fellow students and colleagues and to keep up to date with current events on campus.
There are already numerous alumni activities at the University of Erfurt. We would like to accompany these with our alumni network and thereby promote the exchange of former students with each other and with the University of Erfurt. We would like to learn more about the career paths of our graduates and continue to support them after graduation, for example with further education offers. At the same time, subsequent students and graduates can benefit from your practical experience.
We would be happy to inform you about our alumni offers. Stay in touch with us and register for free in the University of Erfurt's alumni network!
Alumni initiatives
GeKo Former Students Network
We have a group on LinkedIn for current students and former students of the Health Communication master's programme. It serves as a platform to exchange information about internships, job and career opportunities. Once a year, we organise a GeKo alumni meeting in Erfurt.
Dear former MA SWK students, we would like to stay in touch with you after your studies. Should you wish to do so, please let us know your new (work) or private e-mail address at ma-swk@uni-erfurt.de. We look forward to adding you as an alumna/alumnus to the "alumni mailing list".
Graduates of the master's programme in Collection-related History of Knowledge and Culture
You don't want to miss any news and want to stay in touch with the subject area of Special and Inclusive Education after graduation? Then sign up for the former students mailing list. This mailing list is for all graduates of the Special Education and Inclusive Pedagogy (B.A. and M.Ed.) and Special Needs and Integrational Education (MA) degree programmes.
Stay loyal to us and continue to visit our events on campus or in the city centre. We look forward to your visit!
How did you like your degree programme?
We hope that your studies at our university have been an exciting and instructive time for you. Your experiences are important to us because they not only help us, but also future students in their choice of degree programme.
We would therefore like to invite you to rate your degree programme on StudyCheck.