Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour (IPB)

Institut für klimagesundes Verhalten

At the IPB, we want to understand human behaviour in order to promote health and protect the climate and the environment.

  • In research, we provide communication, social and behavioural science evidence on climate and health behaviour.
  • In teaching, we train Master's students and graduates to design, evaluate and improve evidence-based health communication and climate communication.
  • In the area of research communication and transfer (Science2Society), we make the evidence available to science and the public and work with politics and society to plan health promotion and climate protection together and from a human perspective.
What exactly is Planetary Health Behaviour?
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Child painting posters
Research communication: The connection between research and society Science2Society


Since 2022, the PACE (Planetary Health Action Survey) project has regularly taken a psychological look at climate change. The focus is on people's willingness to act on climate protection, i.e. how strongly they are committed to climate protection…

Compulsory immunisation is the subject of heated debate worldwide, but is just one of many ways to increase vaccination rates. An international research team led by Cornelia Betsch, Professor of Health Communication at the University of Erfurt and…

"GeKonnt Gesund" – this is the title of a new health communication podcast at the University of Erfurt. In it, students on the Health Communication Master's programme (GeKo for short) deal with various health topics such as conspiracy theories in the…

The Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour at the University of Erfurt has just published the results of the latest data collection from the PACE study. PACE stands for "Planetary Health Action Survey" and takes a psychological look at climate…

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