International cooperation

The University of Erfurt maintains cooperation agreements with 150 partner institutions worldwide. The cooperation agreements comprise agreements on student and teaching staff mobility and research collaborations.

The cooperation activites include

  • the exchange of students (Bachelor, Master, PhD students) and staff (e.g. guest lectures)
  • joint projects (e.g. summer schools)
  • joint research activities.

You can find an overview of the partner universities with which mobility agreements have been concluded in the "Study Abroad" section. Please contact the respective academic institute for further information on research collaboration.

The International Office advises interested employees, departments and faculties on initiating cooperation projects and supports them in drawing up and drafting cooperation agreements with partner institutions within and outside Europe. Initial funding for cooperation projects can be provided from funds for international activities.


Manuela Linde
(International Office)
C02 – administration building / C02.00.45