"Weltoffenes Thüringen" – We are part of it!

The University of Erfurt supports the "Weltoffenes Thüringen" initiative. In doing so, it stands up for a diverse Thuringia, for respect for human dignity and indivisible human rights, for plural democracy and the rule of law and for a state in which people are accepted and welcome in their diversity.

Diversity is important to us – it is an integral part of our university's profile. Above all, we see it as an opportunity. Because an open and constructive approach to diversity, individuality and plurality enriches our campus.

On this page you will find an overview of the University of Erfurt's activities in the area of internationality, diversity and cosmopolitanism.

+++ Within the "Weltoffenes Thüringen" initiative, the working group "Science" has also been established in which the supporting institutions exchange formats and experiences. Colleagues from the University of Erfurt are already involved here too. If you would also like to participate, please contact Dr phil. Dipl.-Ing. Ulrike Kuch, Vice President for Social Transformation at the Weimar Bauhaus University, who is coordinating the working group. +++

Science thrives on openness to the world!

Every year, the University of Erfurt welcomes students and colleagues from all over the world to its campus - including from crisis regions. This is the reason why the Presidium once again call for cosmopolitanism, diversity and tolerance in a statement.

link to the statement

You can find other events at the university in our events calendar.


Latest news

Students and employees of the University of Erfurt now have access to a new support service for cases of racially motivated attacks. The initiators are the International Office and the Diversity Officer, who now want to implement the offer as a…

Twitter is now called "X", nothing else changes? But yes! Not just the manner of speaking.

The Scientific Coordination Centre "Koloniales Erbe in Thüringen" (Colonial Heritage in Thuringia) of the University of Erfurt and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena invites you to the presentation of its new anthology "Koloniales Erbe in…

The Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Erfurt is inviting all members of the university to a "Dies Academicus" on Tuesday, 5 November. From 9.30 a.m. to 9 p.m., the focus will be on the relationship between East and West Germany more…

"Weltoffenes Thüringen" initiative: We are part of it...

I'm in because research and problem-solving need the ideas and perspectives of a wide variety of people!"

Dr Mirjam Jenny (Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour at the University of Erfurt)

Human dignity shall be inviolable. Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity. All persons shall be equal before the law. This is our Basic Law and I hope that we will become better in its fulfilment and not worse."

Dr Sarah Eitze (Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour at the University of Erfurt)

Research is cosmopolitanism – inspiration exists outside the box."

Professor Cornelia Betsch (Department of Communication Science at the University of Erfurt)


Dr Florian Wagner

I am in because I have lived and worked in different countries myself. I want people from all over the world to be able to live and exchange ideas in Thuringia too. Because we all benefit from that."

Dr Florian Wagner (Department of History at the University of Erfurt)

I'm in because Thuringia needs a diversity of languages, cultures, ideas, skills and values in order to be fit for the future. In the International Office, I have the privilege of working with people from all over the world. They should continue to be welcome in a cosmopolitan Thuringia."

Manuela Linde (International Office of the University of Erfurt)

For the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, diversity is not just a value in itself – we live it. Every day. And we see this as an enrichment. That's why we support "Weltoffenes Thüringen" – a great initiative."

Professor Andreas Goldthau (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt)

I'm in because it is currently more important than ever to make a clear commitment to tolerance and human rights and to stand up for their observance. Diversity and different perspectives on life are an enrichment. Hate, on the other hand, has no place in society for me, because hate is not an opinion."

Lisa Marie Hempel (student assistant at the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine / working group "Health Communication")

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