
In the service area of our press portal you can, for example, be added to our press mailing list or apply for filming permits. We also provide you with a selection of photos of the university. In addition you will find access to our press releases on this page, as well as an overview of current events and possible interview partners.

We are there for you.

filming permits

[Translate to English:] Kameramann

On request, we will grant filming permits for the campus and buildings of the University of Erfurt.

Basically excluded are facilities of the student services organisation (Studierendenwerk) such as dormitories, the cafeteria, café "Hörsaal 7" and the child-care. Filming permits for these facilities are issued by the student services organisation.

For filming permits on campus, please fill out a corresponding application form and send it to us. Thank you very much.

picture material

[Translate to English:] Campus der Uni Erfurt von oben
Das Wort "Forschung" auf einer Glasscheibe geschrieben, Uni Erfurt
[Translate to English:] Zwei Studierende im Eingangsbereich der Uni Erfurt

picture material

We would be happy to provide you with photos of the campus, the buildings and atmospheric images. Examples of the available photo material can be found in the following document.

university pictures (2 MB, *pdf)

order form for images

To order, please contact the press office of the University of Erfurt at:

logo request

The logo may only be used in the version provided by us, unaltered, in publications that are created within the framework of projects of the university or with its participation and only in agreement with the university communications.

You are:

  • Member of the University of Erfurt: You will find the logo for download in our internal service.
  • External users (cooperation partners, etc.): To order the logo, please contact us by e-mail at, stating the intended purpose and, if applicable, the format in which you require the file.

inclusion in the press mailing list

We would be happy to include you in the University of Erfurt's press distribution list. Simply send an e-mail to with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Media companies

Notes on data protection:
If you are interested in receiving press releases and announcements from the University of Erfurt electronically, you can be added to our press mailing list. Registration is by e-mail, in which we receive your name, media company and e-mail address. The data you provide will be stored by us until you cancel your registration and will be used exclusively by the press office to send press releases and announcements.
You can unsubscribe at any time by sending a simple e-mail to



Press releases

The Gotha Research Centre at the University of Erfurt began its work 20 years ago to support researchers in their exploration of Gotha's library collections. Today, it can look back on a success story – which will be celebrated next Thursday, 20…

"The future belongs to the people of peace": This is the motto of the next Catholic Day, which will take place in Erfurt from 29 May to 2 June 2024. The University of Erfurt will also be taking part in this event – with an open air campus on 31 May…

Due to stress, deadline pressure and the urge to improve performance, many people turn to legal or illegal substances to increase their mental performance – i.e. their concentration, alertness or memory. Researchers from Bielefeld University, the…

Following its Open Day in May, the University of Erfurt is offering prospective students another opportunity to experience campus life and everyday university life up close in June. During the discovery days from 10 to 14 June 2024, prospective…