Faculty of Philosophy



During the lecture-free period (from 8 July to 11 October 2024), some service facilities at the University of Erfurt will have different opening hours. We ask for your attention.

A working group "barrier-free" has been set up at the Department of History at the University of Erfurt, which deals with the historical aspects of deafness on the one hand, but is also specifically committed to breaking down barriers for people with…

Today, communication science students at the University of Erfurt presented the results of their work from the so-called "Projektstudienphase" (project study phase) 2023/24 to a public audience as part of a project forum. The prize of 500 euros for…

In a seminar at the University of Erfurt, students explore the freedoms that festivals bring on the basis of photographs from the Friedenstein Foundation's collections. The seminar is part of the Studium Fundamentale and brings together students from…

Study and research at the Faculty of Philosophy