Digital teaching at the University of Erfurt
Not only since the corona pandemic made new teaching formats necessary at universities, too, has digitisation in the field of study and teaching been on the advance. The possibilities are manifold, the need for information correspondingly high. On these pages you will find an overview of the most important questions (and of course answers) concerning digital teaching at the University of Erfurt.
In order to be able to use e-learning platforms, video conference systems and the other online offers of the University of Erfurt, the following three requirements should be met – in addition to Internet access and an Internet-capable terminal device. They also apply to first-year students, international students and guest students.
Tools and portals
The University of Erfurt offers numerous digital services that are linked to the university account (= no private account required). Registration is therefore carried out with the university e-mail address or user name. Access off campus is via Shibboleth – a procedure for internet-based applications for authentication and authorisation.
Study organisation and teaching
E.L.V.I.S.® is the abbreviation for the Erfurt Teaching and Information System, which is supervised by Department 1: Registrars' Office. It is the central tool for students at the University of Erfurt, where, among other things, course bookings (of courses) and grade reports as well as the course catalogue can be accessed.
"BigBlueButton" offers a webinar solution that includes many elements to activate students during sessions. In its functionality it is similar to the tool "Webex Training". It is available integrated in Moodle and can be seen as an alternative to "Webex Training".
Webex (Cisco) is a video conferencing system that can be used by members of the University of Erfurt. For example, lectures or digital office hours are offered with the help of Webex.
At the University of Erfurt, enrolment in certain courses is done via various enrolment systems. Moodle allows the enrolment in online space for a (teaching) event, in which, among other things, materials for the course can be stored.
>> see Moodle
Registration system for the social sciences
The enrolment procedure for social sciences at the Faculty of Political Science is used by students in the Q-Phase (from the 3rd semester) to enrol for BA seminars in political and social sciences. The registration takes place via the university e-mail address.
Online registration for courses at the Language Centre
Moodle is used to enrol in courses at the Language Centre. The personal login is required for registration.
Online application for internships and Master's thesis topics
The Erfurt School of Education (ESE) enables students to enrol in internships in the Bachelor and Master of Education programmes at the University of Erfurt via this system.
Bridge between theory and practice in teacher training: The moodle-based learning platform expands teacher training to include digitally supported internship phases, serves the exchange between university and school and includes virtual classrooms. It is available to students and teachers at the University of Erfurt as well as to students and teachers at cooperating Thuringian schools.
Information on the platform
Data exchange
The University of Erfurt provides this cloud storage service to the university's academic staff in cooperation with the TU Berlin. It offers the possibility to store personal data on a file server accessible via the Internet (in the cloud) and to access this data at any time and from various devices.
You can share files and folders with other people or make them available to other users. The service provides 5 GB of storage and clients for Windows, Linux, Mac and apps for iPhone/iPad and Android.
The University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ) provides the collaboration service Microsoft SharePoint to support group work. The URMZ is responsible for the administration of the client provided by the TU Ilmenau.
Additional services
The internal service area contains internal announcements, job offers and events as well as help topics, documents, applications and contact persons, thus primarily addressing employees.
Nevertheless, students or persons with guest logins also have the opportunity to use these pages. We would like to invite you to use the news area and especially the offer of templates, forms and help topics!
The Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt and the Erfurt University Library preserve unique collections of manuscripts, old prints and maps. The Digital Historical Library Erfurt/Gotha provides research-relevant, particularly valuable or frequently used parts of the historical holdings via the internet.
Digital Historical Library Erfurt/Gotha
Thuringia's digital library includes electronic publications, lecture recordings and electronic semester libraries.
Whether electronic journals, e-books, literature administration programmes or open access – the university library has various digital services, which can also be used off-campus via Shibboleth.
You can find all information on the pages of the University Library.
In addition, as usual, it is possible to search for literature on a topic or a specific book in the library's online catalogue or in the Discovery search portal.
Further virtual services
![[Translate to English:] Bücherregale in der Universitätsbibliothek](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/2/csm_Universitaetsbibliothek_Universitaet_Erfurt_076_60089a490a.webp)
Erfurt University Library
The Erfurt University Library provides various online tutorials. Among other things, you can get fit for research or find out about special offers in online tutorials.
![[Translate to English:] Symbolbild Teamarbeit](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/0/csm_people-2569234_1920_160e02d0ab.webp)
Podcast of the "Lernwerkstatt" of the University of Erfurt
Within its podcast #Werkstattgespräche the "Hochschullernwerkstatt" dedicates several episodes to the topic "Digitisation of higher education teaching". Among others, members of the Task Force "Digital Teaching" as well as lecturers and students of the University of Erfurt have their say.
to podcast (German only)
FAQ Digital Teaching
You need an internet-capable device with microphone function (or with the possibility of connecting a headset microphone) and a stable internet connection. A webcam is not absolutely necessary for digital teaching. A quiet workplace with a good internet connection where you can also speak loudly is an advantage.
If you do not currently have the opportunity to participate in online events at home, use the silent workstations on campus.
The computer pools in the KIZ can be used outside of teaching. To do so, please register at least one day in advance by email to
The consumption of food and drinks, the bringing of animals and smoking are prohibited in the computer pools. The instructions of the service staff must be followed immediately.
The University of Erfurt is a member of the Education Roaming initiative (eduroam) and thus offers its staff and students free internet access. External users whose home institution is also a member of the eduroam network can use eduroam with the configuration and login data of their home institution.
Quick start Guide for laptop and smartphone
Anleitung Einrichtung Wlan mit dem Android-Smartphone [Youtube, in German]
Anleitung Einrichtung Wlan mit dem iPhone [Youtube, in German]
The public multifunctional devices (MFG) are located at various sites in the University Library and in the KIZ. These are freely available to all members of the University of Erfurt. You only need a copy card or a thoska card.
Webex (Cisco) and Big Blue Button (via Moodle) are video conferencing systems that can be used by members of the University of Erfurt. For example, lectures or digital consultation hours are offered with the help of Webex.
Use the "Join test meeting" function to familiarise yourself with the Webex video conferencing system. It is also advantageous to install the Webex app on your smartphone or PC.
You can also forward the invitation links to the online events to your private email address (with calendar) and add them to your digital calendar.
If you have downloaded the Webex app and registered with your university email address, you can also find all online events there.
No, you do not need an account to attend a Webex meeting. You will receive an invitation email from the meeting organiser with a link to enter the meeting room. You do not need to follow the suggestion to download the Webex meeting software. You can then also choose "Join via your browser" (usually in small font and further down the page). You can also use the app (without registering).
Instructions for Webex meetings
This year, all first-year students have been activated for a premium account (access with university email address) so that you can keep a better overview of all online events.
Yes, you can use the Webex app without registering. If you click on an invitation link for an online event, you can start this event with the browser or the app. Here we recommend the app.
You can familiarise yourself with Webex in advance by joining a test meeting.
The links do not expire so quickly. You may have already clicked on the link (by mistake). Please open the page, go to "Login" and enter your university email address. Then click "Forgotten password" and you can set up a new password.
If you still cannot find what you are looking for, please contact the University Computing and Media Centre:
The University Library participates in the digital introductory study days. A website with information for first-year students as well as various information and mediation offers in digital format are being developed and offered. Face-to-face events for small groups are possible after registration. The University Library will further expand the range of available e-resources (e-books, e-journals, databases) in coordination with the departments.
The psychosocial counselling service of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen is available to you confidentially with a counselling and support service, especially during the Corona period. Contact can be made by e-mail or telephone.
to the psychococial counselling (Psychosozialen Beratung)
There is also the student-organised worry phone, which can usually be reached daily from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. on 0361 30252964.
Further information / contact:
Sabine Adamy-KühneStaff member of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (University of Erfurt)
Maren Würfel
Moodle rooms of the Task Force
The Task Force Digital Teaching, founded in the summer semester 2020, invites teachers and students to inform themselves about and discuss the topic of digital teaching.
Information for students (Moodle room "Uni Erfurt Digital Studieren")
Information for teachers (Moodle room "Uni Erfurt Digital Lehren")