Studierende im Seminar
Magister programme

Degree Profile

Begin of study
winter semester
10 semester
Academic degree
Magister Theologiae (M. Theol.)
full time and part time
Faculty of Catholic Theology
Tuition fee
semester contribution only
Admission restriction
no restricted admission
Teaching language

Course Details

To study theology means to deal intensively with the foundations of culture and the sources of one's own faith. The Master's programme in Catholic Theology as a ten-semester undergraduate course (i.e. not based on a Bachelor's programme) offers an academic education in the entire breadth of the subject and within a wide horizon of the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences.

The programme conveys comprehensive specialist knowledge in biblical, historical, systematic and practical theology. By setting priorities, students qualify for pastoral, cultural or social work in church or society.

Theology + X = your studies at the University of Erfurt!

[Translate to English:] Studieren an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät

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Career Opportunities

The Master's degree program prepares students for further academic qualification as well as for a non-scientific professional activity in church and society, e.g. pastoral work and proclamation in the context of a church appointment, theological work in the media and in the field of education, etc. Due to the broad spectrum of topics and methods of the study program and its clear connection to practice, there are also employment opportunities in many areas of culture, education and social action.

Career outside the Church Service

  • Member of the state parliament, office manager of a member of the Bundestag/Lord Mayor, employee of a state ministry
  • Press office clerk, newspaper/radio editor, journalist, PR consultant, press officer, bookseller
  • Librarian, staff/coordinator in foundations
  • Municipal housing administration, employee in the social welfare office
  • Personnel Manager/Department Manager/Managing Director

Career in Church Service

  • cardinal, bishop, priest, protestant and old catholic pastors, pastoral assistant
  • Pastor for the police, clinic, prison, college, school and family
  • theological worker in a university congregation or community leader
  • Head of an education house/family centre/further education institution
  • Religious education teacher, headmaster or lecturer
  • Speaker in a full professorship or other ecclesiastical authority
  • Commissioner for sectarian and philosophical issues
  • Church musician
  • Cathedral guide
Erfurter Dom

Catholic Religion in Detail

Study abroad

A semester abroad in an English speaking country is strongly recommended. The International Office will be happy to assist you in organizing your stay abroad.

Study abroad

Internships during studies

The events, which are oriented towards the professional field, are intended to open up the practical handling of the sources of the Christian faith and enable first experiences with the practical fields of theology and faith. The successful completion of at least two practical courses (religious education and pastoral theological or homiletic) must be proven.

Studying with Abitur

  • general qualification for university entrance or the subject-related higher education entrance qualification or a comparable previous education

General information on the admission requirements (study without Abitur):

Language requirements during studies

At the beginning of the studies:

The following language skills must be demonstrated in the Master's program:

  • Latin: Latinum or a degree comparable to Latinum
  • Greek: Graecum or a degree equivalent to Graecum
  • Hebrew: basic knowledge, Hebraicum if necessary

If the required language skills and degrees are not yet available, they can be acquired during the course of study. The recognition of existing language qualifications, individual advice and support is provided by the Lectorates for Ancient Languages and Ancient Hebrew.

Lectorate for Old Languages

Language Centre

The Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum) offers around 140 language courses per semester in 16 modern and ancient (foreign) languages. It supports you in acquiring and deepening your language skills.

International applicants

Information on required German language skills and the German language test for university admission (DSH)
Language requirements for access / DSH

Without admission limitation (without NC)

At present, no admission limitation (without numerus clausus) is expected.

Studierende am Info-Punkt bei den Schnuppertagen
Open Day

Open Day

Numerous information and advisory services offer you the opportunity to see the study and living conditions in Erfurt for yourself at the open day. Get to know the green campus and the beautiful old town centre on guided tours. Information on the program: Open Day

Discovery Days

The discovery days at the University of Erfurt mean experiencing "studying up close". Within a week (on as many days as you like) you can attend selected courses (lectures or seminars) and get a taste of campus life. Information and program: Discovery Days

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Apply for the winter semester from May 1 to September 15.

Information on application deadlines and application modalities, admission, enrolment at:

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Consulting & Service

Student advice and counselling

Studienfachberaterin Magister Katholische Theologie
(Faculty of Catholic Theology)
C14 – staff building 3 / Dachgeschoss
Office hours
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