Vocational training at the University of Erfurt

[Translate to English:] Auszubildende am Schreibtisch

The University of Erfurt is a humanities university with a cultural and social science profile. It offers an exciting and diverse working environment, not only as a place to study, but also as a place of training.

It offers you the opportunity to complete training in one of the three professions on offer. If you have a degree from a regular school or are aiming for one and are interested in a varied and profound vocational training, then please read the further information about the training professions at the university.

General requirement:
Completion of secondary school

Duration of training:
3 years of training

We believe that ...

... Trainees are always an asset to our university. They bring a breath of fresh air and new perspectives and encourage us to keep questioning the status quo.

Training opportunities

Clerk in public administration

  • Theoretical training: State vocational school for economy/administration and Nutrition Weimar, Thuringian School of Administration Weimar
  • Practical training: administrative units and departments of the University of Erfurt
  • Hiring date: always on 01.09.

Download: Flyer about the training (German only)

Information page of Erfurt University Library

Susan Brand
Tel. +49 361 737-5258



Specialist employee for media and information service / library

Theoretical training: State Vocational School Centre Sondershausen (formerly Thuringia Library School)
Practical training: Erfurt University Library, company internships in other institutions
possible starting date: 01.09.

Download: Flyer about the training (German only)

Frau Valentina Tischer
Tel. +49 361 737-5815



IT specialist*in – system integration

  • Theoretical training: Andreas-Gordon-School (Erfurt) and training courses at the Erfurt Bildungswerk
  • Practical training: University Computer and Media Center (URMZ)
  • possible starting date: 01.09.

Download: Flyer about the training (German only)


Andreas Schöppl
Tel. +49 361 737-5473


Good, to know...

Our trainees also benefit from the numerous advantages that the University of Erfurt offers its staff. These include, for example:

You can find out more on our website "Working at the University of Erfurt".

Contact for your questions: