Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO)

[Translate to English:] Stipendienvereinbarung

The Awards and Grant Commission acts in accordance with §10 of the Thuringian Graduate Funding Ordinance (ThürGFVO) gets appointed by the Senate of the University of Erfurt. It determains if all necessary requirements and conditions for a scholarship are complied. Depending on the scholarship format, the Awards and Grant Commission decides about the awarding of each scholarship and in that respect makes recommendation to the Presidium. The extension of scholarships are also reviewed by the commission. In addition it conceptualizes forms of graduate fundings and gives recommendations to the Senate and the Presidium.


Expert opinions are obtained within the university for applications and funding measures. Consultation and decision-making are also organized within the university. These procedures must be conducted in a fair and transparent manner for both the experts and those being evaluated. Biases, which can never be excluded within a university, should be reduced to a minimum. The guidelines for avoiding conflicts of interest should contribute to this (only available in German).


Scholarships | Graduate Services
(Staff Unit Research and Graduate Services)
C02 – administration building / C02.00.42