Structured Doctorate in Graduate Centres | the Max-Weber-Kolleg

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As part of a research-oriented guiding theme, the certified Graduate Centres of the "Erfurt Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programme" (EPPP) and the Max-Weber-Kolleg support early-stage researcher at different stages of their academic career.

The collegial team supervision of doctoral candidates is one of the core elements of the doctorate in the Graduate Centres / the Max-Weber-Kolleg. In addition to the exchange with a main supervisor, with whom a supervision agreement is obligatory, the doctoral candidate is accompanied by a team of supervisors, who offer feedback from different perspectives.

In addition, the doctoral candidate is required to participate in a binding curriculum consisting of regular events such as colloquia, seminars and workshops. In this way, professional qualification is promoted in a structured and producitve manner. Furthermore, these regular meetings allow continuous contact with other doctoral candidates. This thematic professionalisation gets further supported and complemented by an interdisciplinary qualification courses, performed either by the Graduate Centres/the Max-Weber-Kolleg itself, by the programme "Academic Career and Qualification Programme at the University of Erfurt"or by external institutions.

Early-stage researchers who are accepted into a Graduate Centre / the Max-Weber-Kolleg benefit from permanent financial and non-material support within the university.

Admission to the structured doctorate in Graduate Centres or the Max-Weber-Kolleg requires acceptance as a doctoral candidate at a faculty or the Max-Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt. Acceptance takes place centrally via Docata - the web portal for doctoral candidatesat the University of Erfurt.

For further information on the membership of the Erfurt Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programme (EPPP) or the application and acceptance into a Graduate Centre, please look here on theGraduate Service page.


Scholarships | Graduate Services
(Staff Unit Research and Graduate Services)
C02 – administration building / C02.00.42