Other Types of Doctorates

[Translate to English:] Zwei Studierende unterhalten sich im Hörsaal 2

There are special forms of doctorates, each of which is compatible with the individual doctorate and the structured doctorate. These include structured doctorates in DFG-funded graduate centres, cooperative doctorates, the Fast Track Programme and the Binational Doctorate (Cotutelle de thèse).

Also here, acceptance is handled centrally via Docata - the web portal for doctoral candidatesat the University of Erfurt.

The University of Erfurt enables suitable graduates of universities of applied science to take up a doctorate. The requirements for admission as a doctoral candidate is regularized by doctorate-degree regulations of the respective faculty or Max-Weber-Kolleg. The participation of professors from the universities of applied sciences as supervisiors and examiner is regulated by specific cooperation agreements.

Cooperative doctoral candidates can become members of one of the EPPP-certified Graduate Centres or the Max-Weber-Kolleg. An individual doctorate is also possible.

For further questions regarding the acceptance as a doctoral candidate in order to carry out a cooperative doctoral research project, please contact the deaneries of the faculties / the Max-Weber-Kolleg.

Some master programmes at the University of Erfurt offer a Fast Track Programme for doctoral studies. Under this programme, particularly qualified master students can already focus their master phase towards the goal of pursuing a doctorate. The Fast Track Programme is designed to enable students to make the transition from their master phase to the actual doctoral phase as smooth as possible and helps shorten the time to pursue a doctorate.

Please contact the programme coordinators of the master programmes for information on admission to the Fast Track Programme:


Globale Kommunikation: Politik und Gesellschaft

Students who have been accepted to the Fast Track Programme can already gain admission to an EPPP-certified Graduate Centre during the master phase.

In the case of the binational doctorate, the doctoral procedure is carried out in a joint supervision between the University of Erfurt and a foreign university or another institution with the right to award doctoral degrees. In this case, the doctoral candidate writes one dissertation and the doctoral degree is awarded jointly by both participating universities respetively institutions. Each binational doctoral procedure is agreed and regulated in an individually cooperation agreement.

The binational doctoral procedure can take place as part of both, an individual and structured doctorate.

For further information about the binational doctorate, please contact the deaneries of the faculties/ the Max-Weber-Kolleg.


Scholarships | Graduate Services
(Staff Unit Research and Graduate Services)
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