Earning a Doctorate at the University of Erfurt

Earning a doctorate is possible in all areas of studies at the University of Erfurt. The University of Erfurt offers two ways of gaining a doctorate. Interested in a doctorate as well as advanced doctoral candidates can opt for a doctorate at a certified Graduate Centre / the Max-Weber-Kolleg within the structured „Erfurt Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programme“ (EPPP). In addition, there is still the option for a "classic" individual doctorate in a particular faculty. Besides, there are special forms of doctoral studies that are compatible with individual doctorate and the structured doctorate.

At the beginning of a dissertation project, applicants must apply for acceptance as a doctoral candidate in accordance with the doctorate-degree regulation of the respective faculty or the Max-Weber-Kolleg. Accepetance as doctoral candidate takes place centrally via Docata – the web portal for doctoral candidatesat the University of Erfurt.

Acceptance as a doctoral candidate enables the applicant to enrol in a doctorate at the University of Erfurt. The enrollment for a doctorateis made centrally via the University of Erfurt’s online application portal and can submitted at any time.

You can find more useful information about a doctorate under Graduate Service.

Please note the information sheet on data protection for docorate advice (only available in German).

[Translate to English:] 4 Personen im Gespräch
Structured Doctorate in Graduate Centres | Max-Weber-Kolleg Information about the Format
[Translate to English:] Promotionsstudierender der Universität Erfurt
The Individual Doctorate Information about the Format
[Translate to English:] 2 Studierende im Hörsaal
Other Types of Doctorates Information about the Format


Scholarships | Graduate Services
(Staff Unit Research and Graduate Services)
C02 – administration building / C02.00.42