... to the goal! Creating impact - Social Impact Campus!
An important foundation for generating "social impact" is the sustainable implementation and institutional anchoring of "social entrepreneurship" as a mindset and way of thinking.
Creating impact through ...
Sustainable implemantation at the University of Erfurt
With its three focus areas "Religion. Society. World Relationship.", "Education. School. Behavior." and "Knowledge. Spaces. Media." the humanities University of Erfurt (UE) distinguishes itself from other universities by an attractive and innovative teaching and research profile. Since its reestablishment as a reform university in 1994, it has developed into a think tank for solving current and complex societal, social, political, ecological, and communication-related problems. In this context, entrepreneurship has been successfully developed in recent years, taking into account the profile of UE and to develop innovative offers, which increase the interest of the students in self-employment as an alternative career option as well as in social entrepreneurship as a field of action. We want to support this attitude with the start-up service, develop it further and make it a unique selling point of our university.
„Social Entrepreneurship“ as a mindset
"The primary goal of social entrepreneurship is to solve social challenges. This is achieved through continuous use of entrepreneurial means and results in new and innovative solutions. Steering and controlling mechanisms are used to ensure that the social objectives are are lived internally and externally." (SEND e.V.)
The Founders Service would like to take this definition into account with its offers. The anchoring of "Social Entrepreneurship" within the university should increasingly promote social innovations from the university context and thus provide added value for society as a whole.
Intercultural and interdisciplinary founding teams
The formation of tandem teams between international and local students should be actively promoted, as it has been proven that intercultural start-up teams have a particularly high potential. Culture-specific characteristics in the start-up context (e.g. high start-up affinity and flexibility paired with "German" thoroughness and "love of order") within a team provide a promising breeding ground for successful company development. Interdisciplinary start-up teams - within or across universities - often offer a profitable symbiosis for the realization of start-up ideas.
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