Transferring research - generating impact!


When universities talk about transfer, terms such as "technology", "natural sciences", "patents" and "licences" are usually used. Why is that? Research in the humanities and social sciences offers an incredibly broad and deep potential to understand - and shape - people and societies and their behaviour. Join us in shaping this potential!

If you are interested in the programme or a programme component, please contactus!

Transfer programme

Young Entrepreneurs in Science (YES) - "From PhD To Innovator: Discover your entrepreneurial potential"

From PhD To Innovator


The Falling Walls Foundation's free awareness-raising programme "Young Entrepreneurs in Science (YES)" supports all early-stage researchers from faculties and research institutions in further developing their doctoral topics, improving their presentation skills and developing a fictitious start-up idea together with early-stage researchers from other universities.

Download "YES"-Onepager

The Case - Realisation of transfer projects from the humanities, social and cultural sciences (GSK)

Generating impact with research?

Workshop The Case

The free programme "The Case" supports academic employees in generating and successfully implementing their own transfer projects from the humanities, social sciences and arts (SSH). Specific transfer projects are developed from selected research projects. At the same time, practice-orientated knowledge about transfer and impact in the GSK is imparted.

Download "The Case"-Onepager

"WissKomm" - translating scientific findings into concrete service descriptions

Communicate your research results successfully


Designed as a free follow-up programme to "The Case", the "Wisskomm" online course helps to successfully share innovative developments, research results or scientific findings with a non-specialist audience and thus enable a profitable, socially relevant transfer of science from the university.

Download "WissKOMM"-Onepager

