Dr. Nadiya Kiss

Portraitfoto Nadiya Kiss

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin: Protecting Academia at Risk - Towards a New Policy Agenda for a thriving Culture of Higher Education in Europe



mail: nadiya.kiss@uni-erfurt.de

Forschungsprojekte, Workshops etc


04/2021 – 09/2024 Prognostic methods and future scenarios in language policy – multilingual Russia as an example (supported by the DFG) 

04/2020 – 12/2023 Contested Language Diversity - Dealing with Minority Languages in post-Soviet Ukraine and Russia (supported by the Volkswagen Foundation) 

01/2017 – 03/2021 Regions of Conflicts in Eastern Europe (supported by LOEWE Hessen) 

09/2011 – 12/2011 Language Policy in Ukraine: National identity vs Multilingualism: Visiting scholar, University of Washington, Seattle, USA (Carnegie Fellowship) 

09/2006 – 09/2008 Language Policy in Ukraine: anthropological, linguistic and further perspectives: (supported by INTAS )


10/2024 Workshop Language ideologies in the EU and wider Europe: reconsidering present and prognosing future (financed by EUPeace University Alliance, co-organised with Dr. Liudmyla Pidkuimukha) 

05/2024 Conference Languages and Cultures in times of war: (im)possible, (re)imagined, (un)manageable (hybrid format, 60 participants from the EU, Great Britain, Ukraine, Georgia, Canada, USA, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Palestine, place University College London, co-organised with Prof. Dr. Alex Krouglov UCL) 

07/2023 Workshop The Future of Slavic languages and Slavic studies: Sociolinguistics, multilingualism, scenarios, prognostic methods (hybrid format, 24 participants from the EU, Great Britain and Ukraine, co-organised with Prof. Dr. Monika Wingender) 

12/2022 International online conference Contested language diversity in contemporary Ukraine: national minorities, bilingualism and language ideologies in times of war (20 participants from Germany, Ukraine and Sweden, co-organised with Prof. Dr. Monika Wingender)

Konferenzen (mit Präsentation) 

05/2024 Oxford Migration Society Conference Transformation and Resilience, Univeristy of Oxford 

09/2023 Conference Approaches to Migration, Language, and Identity, University of Zurich 

06/2023 International conference Migration and Societal Change, University of Utrecht

Zur Person

01/2017 - 09/2024 Postdoc at the Giessen Center for the Eastern European Studies, Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Germany 

10/2022 Co-founder (together with Dr.Liudmyla Pidkuimukha, Dr.Lesya Skintey and Dr. Dariia Orobchuk) of the research network Vision Ukraine: Education, Language, Migration

09/2008 - 12/2016 University teacher, associate professor at the Department of Ukrainian, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine 

09/ 2005 - 06/2009  PhD Ukrainian Terminology of Legislation in XXth century Yuri Fedkovych National University of Chernivtsi, Ukraine 

09/2003 - 06/2005 Master Theory, History of Literature and Comparative Literature, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine


Kiss, N. (2024). Between abrogation and appropriation: Language strategies of Ukrainian forced migrants in Germany. Routed Magazine. www.routedmagazine.com/post/between-abrogation-and-appropriation-languagestrategies-of-ukrainian-forced-migrants-in-germany 

Kiss, N., Pidkuimukha, L., Skintey, L., Orobchuk, D. (2024). Abrogation. Ukrainian Decolonial Glossary. decolonialglossary.com.ua/abrogation-en-1 

Кісс, Н., Цар, І. (2024). Кримські татари в умовах війни та вимушеної міграції: мовна політика та мовна поведінка [Crimean Tatars in the situation of war: Language policy and language behaviour]. In Б. Ажнюк (ред). Мова і війна: динаміка мовної системи і мовна політика. Київ, 229–266. 

Kiss, N., Wingender, M. (accepted). Developments and current trends in language policy in Ukraine. Language Contact. Volume 2 (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science [HSK], 45/2, Band 2), De Gruyter. 

Kiss, N., Pidkuimukha, L., Skintey, L., Orobchuk, D. (accepted). Present and future of teaching Ukrainian and Ukrainian studies in Europe. In: Routledge Handbook of the Sociopolitical Context of Language Learning. 

Kiss, N. (accepted). Space for displaced: Ukrainian language and symbols in the semiotic urban landscapes of Germany. In Sociolinguistic Studies. Special issue: Kulyk, V., Bilaniuk, L. (eds.) Language and War: Sociolinguistic Shifts in Ukraine and among Ukrainians Abroad. 

Kiss, N., Wingender, M. (2023). Contested language diversity in contemporary Russia and Ukraine – minority language legislation, language situation, and activism. European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Brill, 32–65. 

Kiss, N. (2022). Key actors in the organized language management of Ukraine: On the materials of language legislation development and adoption. Nekula, M., Sherman, T., Zawiszová, H. (eds.) Interests and Power in Language Management, Peter Lang. 177–202. 

Kiss, N., Orobchuk, D., Pidkuimukha, L., Skintey, L. (2022) Die vier häufigsten Mythen über die ukrainische Sprache. Ukraine Verstehen. ukraineverstehen.de/die-vier-haeufigstenmythen-ueber-die-ukrainische sprache/ 

Kiss, N. (2021). Bloggers as Social Actors in Language Policy Debates in Ukraine, 5(1) Journal of Belonging, Identity, Language, and Diversity (j-bild), 161–186 

Pidkuimukha, L., Kiss, N. (2020). Battle of Narratives: Political Memes During the 2019 Ukrainian Presidential Election. Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives 20(20), 

Kiss, N. (2020). “Language matters”: Language Activism in Contemporary Ukraine. In: A. Jašina-Schäfer, M. Wingender (eds.). Kulturelle Kontakt- und Konfliktzonen im östlichen Europa. Abschlusskonferenz des gleichnamigen thematischen Netzwerks in Gießen (1. und 2. Dezember 2016), Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 105-124.