Dr. Elena Trifan

Portrait picture of Elena Trifan

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin : Protecting Academia at Risk - Towards a New Policy Agenda for a Thriving Culture of Higher Education in Europe



Email: elena.trifan@uni-erfurt.de 

Phone: +40 766 552 871


UEFISCDI, Data Analyst: Quality in Higher Education: Internationalization and Databases for the Development of Romanian Higher Education, co-financed by the European Social Fund 

Rise Project & Asociația Anais, Sociologist: Map of Sexual Harassment in the Romanian Educational System 

Asociația Vira, Sociologist: Harvesting Solidarity - Experiences of Romanian Migrant Workers During the Pandemic

Social Incubator, Sociologist: Research on the Needs of Ukrainian War Refugees for Social Intervention

Terre des Hommes Moldova, Evaluator: CASTLE - Children Left Behind as a Result of Labour Migration

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Szasz-Voinea, I., Muscă, M., Trifan, E. (forthcoming). Harvesting Solidarity: A Participatory Multimodal Approach to Romanian Seasonal Workers' Experience. Laussane: Peter Lang.

Trifan, E. (2024) “Personal development and the intensification of individualism: An analysis of class values and solidarity.” In Ce urmează după neoliberalism? Pentru un imaginar politic alternativ. pp.217-296. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană.

Dervis, O.-A., Jitaru, G., Trifan, E. (2022). The Socio-Economic Challenges in Access to Romanian Higher Education: Student Perception and Funding Policy Directions in Higher Education in Romania: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities, Springer. 

Trifan, E. (2021). “The Romanian music scene: The social economy of pop music in the post-socialist period.” In Eastern European Music Industries and Policies after the Fall of Communism, pp. 154-171. Routledge.

Trifan, E. (2020). Personal Development and Feminism: A Sociological Perspective on Women's Rights Movements in Neoliberal Romania, Transilvania, 11-12, 51-61.

Trifan, E. (2016). I Am Worthy, I Want and I Can: The Social Implications of Practicing Personal Development. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Sociologia, 61(2), 49-70.

Trifan, Elena Instituții și practici de dezvoltare personală. O perspectivă antropologică [Personal development institutions and practices. An anthropological perspective], 2016 available at https://rei.gov.ro/teza-doctorat-document/833495e826ee676d15-teza-doctorat_elena-trifan-titlu-corect-semnat.pdf Creative Commons License. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License.


2013 - 2016 - PhD in Sociology, SNSPA, Bucharest

2011 - 2013 Masters in Anthropology, SNSPA, Bucharest

2008 - 2011 BA in Sociology, SNSPA, Bucharest