Flyer "Study courses: Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes" (pdf, in German)
Flyer "First information about the Bachelor's programme at the University of Erfurt" (pdf, in German)
Flyer "Study Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt" (pdf, in German)
Flyer "Study Theology at the University of Erfurt" (pdf, in German)
Flyer "Studying to become a teacher at the University of Erfurt" (pdf, in German)
Flyer How do I become a primary school teacher? (pdf, in German)
Flyer How do I become a secondary school teacher? (pdf, in German)
Flyer How do I become a special needs teacher? (pdf, in German)
Poster with link tips "Fit for the teaching profession? Test yourself!" (pdf, in German)
Flyer "Study dual secondary school teaching at the University of Erfurt" (pdf, in German)
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Management
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Mathematics
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Music
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Philosophy
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Primary Education
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Religious Studies
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Romance Studies
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Protestant Religion
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Slavic Studies
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Special Education and Inclusive Pedagogy
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Sport and Physical Education
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Teaching, Learning, and Training Psychology
Flyer Bachelor's degree programme Technology
Flyer Master of Education – Vocational schools
Flyer Master of Education – Special needs education
Flyer Master of Education – Primary school
Flyer Master of Education – Secondary school
Flyer Master's degree programme Philosophy (Language - Knowledge - Action)
Flyer Master's degree programme Psychology
Flyer Master's degree programme Public Policy (English)
Flyer Master's degree programme Religious Studies
Flyer Master's degree programme Special and inclusive education
Flyer Master's degree programme Theology and Economy