General access requirements

for undergraduate degree programmes

Studying with Abitur / subject-linked higher education entrance qualification

The Abitur (general higher education entrance qualification) entitles the holder to study in undergraduate degree programmes at universities. It can be acquired at grammar schools, vocational grammar schools, adult education centres and colleges.

The subject-linked higher education entrance qualification is usually acquired at vocational upper secondary schools and entitles the holder to study certain degree programmes that match the subject area stated on the respective certificate.

A certified copy of the higher education entrance qualification is required for matriculation.

For some Bachelor's degree subjects, there are special admission requirements in addition to the general study requirements.

Studying with a first university degree

The general higher education entrance qualification and thus access to all undergraduate degree programmes is also acquired through (successfully) completed studies at a university of applied sciences, at a university of applied administrative sciences, at a state-recognised university of cooperative education in the tertiary sector, at a dual university or at a university or equivalent institution of higher education.

For some Bachelor's degree subjects, there are special admission requirements in addition to the general study requirements.

Studying without a school-leaving certificate - admission to higher education for those with vocational qualifications

Under certain conditions, it is also possible to take up a course of study without an Abitur. In accordance with § 67 and § 70 ThürHG, the following educational pathways entitle students to study either directly or after examination and determination by the University of Erfurt:

  • Direct access to the study of all undergraduate programmes (Bachelor's as well as Magister Catholic Theology) at the University of Erfurt

  • Determination by the higher education institution whether further vocational training can be equated with the master craftsman's examination.

The Thuringian Ordinance on the Equivalence of Continuing Vocational Training for Admission to Higher Education of 18 June 2009 stipulates in § 1 and § 2:

  • the criteria on the basis of which the higher education institution determines whether continuing vocational education and training can be equated with the master craftsman's examination, as well as
  • which continuing vocational education and training is equivalent to the master craftsperson's examination by decree or is treated as equivalent to the master craftsperson's examination.

Anyone wishing to take up studies at the University of Erfurt on this basis should have the university check whether the further vocational training qualifies for university admission (HZB). To this end, please submit a formal application for determination of the equivalence of further vocational training for admission to higher education in good time.

Deadlines for submitting the application (for an intended start of studies in the winter semester):

  • for an intended Bachelor's degree programme in a subject combination with at least one subject with restricted admission: by 01.07. (at the latest, however, by 15.07. - together with the application for admission)
  • for an intended Bachelor's programme in a subject combination with two subjects with open admission or for the undergraduate degree programme in Catholic Theology: by 15.07. (at the latest, however, by 01.09. - together with the application for enrolment).

As a result of the examination of the application, a written decision will be issued on the existence of the HZB.

Download application form (*PDF)
Download Information Sheet on the Application for Equivalency of Advanced Vocational Training (.pdf)

Vocationally qualified persons without a higher education entrance qualification who have successfully completed at least two years of vocational education and training in a field related to the intended degree programme, as regulated by federal or state law, and who subsequently provide evidence of at least three years of full-time professional practice in a field related to the intended degree programme, may take up a degree programme on a probationary basis for a period of two semesters.

At the end of the probationary period, the examination board shall decide on the final enrolment on the basis of the performance achieved during the probationary period; the examination board shall also decide on the further crediting of the performance achieved during the probationary period.

The trial studies must be preceded by comprehensive counselling by the university (general student advice and counselling in coordination with the subject counselling). This must take place at the latest four weeks before the end of the respective application period (cut-off period).

Further information on the trial study programme can be obtained from Department 1: Studies and Teaching, General Student Advice and Counselling as well as from the information sheet on the trial study programme.

University entrance qualification acquired abroad

A higher education entrance qualification/secondary school leaving certificate acquired abroad must be equivalent to the higher education entrance qualification (HZB). Furthermore, sufficient German language skills must be proven at the time of application.

International prospective students from NON-EU countries who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification/secondary school leaving certificate abroad apply to the University of Erfurt as international students using a separate form via the International Office.

Foreign student applicants from EU countries and German applicants with a foreign educational qualification apply in the same way as German student applicants, but must also prove that they have sufficient knowledge of German. For more information, see Application, Admission, Enrolment.

Contact person for admission to higher education without Abitur

Anne Zimmermann, M.A.
Student advice and counselling
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – administration building / Erdgeschoss (Haupteingang)
Office hours
in person: Mondays to Thursdays 12-15 p.m. and by appointment

by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30 a.m.