Didactic Programme

Nachwuchsforscher der Uni Erfurt im Gespräch

The Academic Career and Qualification Programme addresses (prospective) university teachers at the University of Erfurt, who want to expand their didactic skills. The programme gets continually revised and upadated.

Doctoral candidates who hold a scholarship of the University of Erfurt and visit a workshop will receive a certifcate of attendance. For the certifcate of attendance an attendance of 75% of the duration of the workshop is necessary (please note that the referents can set this figure higher in individual cases). The participation is free of charge.

Please note: All data will be deleted after 6 months. Therefore it is very important that you keep the individual certifications for your workshop participation.

You can registeronline using the form (see below).


No news available.

Registration for the Workshops

Registration for the offers
Data protection Please note the data protection information.

Offers for Digital Teaching

Digital Teaching at the University of Erfurt - information about this can be founde here.

The Digital Tapas Bar – a joint project of the University of Erfurt and the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena.
Information about the Tapas-Bar and the web seminars offered in this context can be found here.

The eTEACH network Thuringia is a merger of the state-run higher education institutions and the universities in Thuringia for a mutual development of the digital teaching. Information about the eTEACH network and its offers can be found here.


Research associate for university didactic qualification and support of teaching staff
(University of Erfurt)
Lehrgebäude 2 / Raum 14b