Offers for Academic Leaders

As part of the competence-oriented personnel development for academics, academic leaders have the opportunity to take advantage of various offers:

  • workshops or events as part of the "Focus on Leadership" series,
  • individual leadership coaching
  • as well as the (co-)financing of further training courses from external providers that serve to further develop leadership skills.

The aforementioned offers are aimed at junior research group leaders, junior professors and professors.

Our aim is to provide academic leaders with the best possible support. All offers of the competence-oriented personnel development for academics are free of charge, but are aimed exclusively at members of the University of Erfurt.

Detailed information and registration details can be found in the following sections.


Focus on Leadership - Workshops and Events

As part of the "Focus on Leadership" series, you will receive information in workshops and events that may be relevant to your role as a leader. You will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other leaders.

The following topics, among others, are dealt with as part of "Focus on Leadership":

  • Tasks and limits as a leader
  • Overloaded as a professor? Reducing, focussing and delegating as methods of relieving pressure
  • Hybrid working - leadership between home office and office

Information on the next offers and the possibility to register can be found in the calendar below.

Leadership Coaching


If you are interested in an individual coaching, please fill out the registration form.

After receiving your request we will inform you whether a coaching can take place. If we accept your request, you will receive suggestions from us as to who could be a possible coach. You contact one or more coaches for a meeting. Afterwards you tell us your preference and we will take care of the contractual arrangements. As soon as this is done, you can arrange appointments with the coach.

A maximum of 6 coaching sessions of 60 minutes each can be financed.

After all sessions you hand in the documentation form to us.

Your request will of course be treated with absolute confidentiality both during the application and the coaching process!

(Co-)Financing of Further Training Courses

It is possible to apply for (co-)funding for training courses from external providers that deal with leadership in science.
If you are interested, please contact Ms Frank: