The commission makes recommendations on all IT matters of fundamental importance for the entire university, including in particular:
- advising on questions of digitisation in research and teaching, especially with regard to the technical and infrastructural framework conditions,
- support and advice on the introduction and operation of information systems and the digitisation of business processes at the University of Erfurt, and
- fundamental questions of data protection and data security.
The Commission for Information Technology and Digital Processes shall meet on a rotational basis once or twice per semester.
30.09.2025 (whereby the representatives from the group of students are newly appointed every year)
the Vice President for Academic Affairs (Chair)
Prof. Dr. Julia Knop
four professors, one from each faculty
- Prof. Dr. Waldemar Bauer (Faculty of Education Science)
- N. N. (Faculty of Catholic Theology)
- Prof. Dr. Fabian Prochazka (Faculty of Philosophy)
- Prof. Dominik Maltritz (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
one representative from the Max-Weber-Kolleg (advisory)
- Dr. Elisabeth Begemann
one representative from the student group
- Niklas Steffen
one representative from the group of academic employees
- Dr. Hasnain Bokhari
one representative from the group of employees in Technology and Administration
- René Neubauer, deputy: Eric Schümann
the Head of Administration
- Christian Schellhardt
the Head of the University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ) (advisory)
- Frank Trefflich
the Director of the University Library (advisory)
- Gabor Kuhles
the Head of the Department of Studies and Teaching (advisory)
- Bernhard Becher
the Data Protection Officer (advisory)
- Annabell Köhler
Consultative experts may be called in.