Commissions of the Senate

Commission for Study Affairs

A student sits in a lecture hall at the University of Erfurt.

The Study Affairs Commission advises on fundamental matters of study and teaching. It prepares the Senate's resolutions on framework examination regulations and the establishment, amendment and abolition of degree programmes. It also examines the examination regulations adopted by the faculties, taking into account the applicable (external and internal) guidelines and agreements, the feasibility of the course offerings in terms of capacity and their coherence in terms of content. The commission advises on questions of quality development of studies and teaching and prepares the Senate's resolution on quality assurance procedures and measures.

further information on the term of office and the members

Library Commission

students in the University Library of the University of Erfurt

The Library Commission advises on fundamental questions of the University Library (such as library development, media structure, subject structure) and on basic questions of user operation).

further information on the term of office and members (in German only)

Commission for Information Technology and Digital Processes

The commission makes recommendations on all IT matters of fundamental importance to the entire university, including in particular:

  •  advising on questions of digitisation in research and teaching, especially with regard to the technical and infrastructural framework conditions,
  • support and advice on the introduction and operation of information systems and the digitisation of business processes at the University of Erfurt, and
  • fundamental questions of data protection and data security.

further information on the term of office and the members

Commission for Research and Graduate Services

woman looking at research poster, Centre for Communication and Information at the University of Erfurt

The Commission for Research and Graduate Services advises on fundamental matters of research and the promotion of young academics, as well as those that go beyond the scope of a faculty.

further information on the term of office and members

Commission for Budgetary Affairs

a pocket calculator

The Commission for Budgetary Affairs advises on the annual distribution of budgetary funds (for the day-to-day operation of university facilities, investments and the procurement of large-scale equipment). The commission assists in the preparation of the Senate's statements on principles for equipment and the allocation of funds, as well as in the preparation of statements on the fee regulations.

further information on the term of office and members (in German only)

Commisssion for International Affairs


The commission advises the Senate on fundamental international matters and those that go beyond a faculty. It also advises on measures relating to the internationalisation strategy of the University of Erfurt. It examines cooperation agreements in this regard which are concluded in the name of the University of Erfurt. In consultation with the International Office, the Senate Committee coordinates and is responsible for the selection process for awarding exchange places and scholarships at university-wide level.

further information on the tasks and composition

An overview of the current dates and meeting cycles of the committees can be found on our page "committees".

meeting dates and cycles