Max-Weber-Kolleg, Religion, Society, and World Relations

4. Meister Eckhart Tage: Akademischer Workshop

1. Sept 2022, 10.00 am - 2. Sept 2022, 12.00 pm
SP2 – Steinplatz 2 (former research building 2)
4. Meister Eckhart Tage
Initiativkreis Meister Eckhart Tage
Event type
Church Service

Two-day academic workshop on "Bisher unbekannte Predigten Meister Eckharts" (Previously unknown sermons by Meister Eckhart) led by Prof. Dr Dietmar Mieth (Max-Weber-Kolleg) as part of the 4th Meister Eckhart Tage.

In recent years, more of Meister Eckhart's sermons have been rediscovered, which will be read together in this workshop of the Max-Weber-Kolleg Research Centre. Are there changes in current Eckhart images and in Eckhart's meaning for today? What does Eckhart mean when he says: "We are being transformed"? How are such texts still alive in literature and the Arts today? The texts will be distributed for joint reading in the original with the translation. Markus Vinzent, Dietmar Mieth, Jana Ilnicka, and Sarah Al Taher as well as Freimut Löser (President of the Meister Eckhart Gesellschaft) will accompany the explanations of the texts as experts.

Participation fee: 20 €

Registration to

The 4th Meister Eckhart Days will take place in Erfurt from 31 August to 3 September. Once again, the Meister Eckhart Research Centre at the Max-Weber-Kolleg will be involved.

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