Prof. Dr. Markus Vinzent

Fellow and Member of the Meister-Eckhart-Research Centre (Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)


Max-Weber-Kolleg (Steinplatz 2) / Raum 205 (1. OG)

+49 361 737-2809

Office hours

on appointment

Visiting address

Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien
Nordhäuser Str. 63
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Erfurt University
Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
Meister-Eckhart-Research Centre
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Subproject leader SFB 294 "Structural Change of Property", subproject A01 "Divine Property" (Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)


Weltbeziehungen / C19.03.35

Member "Theologiegeschichte" (Erfurter RaumZeit-Forschung)

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Philosophische Fakultät
Forschungseinheit "Erfurter RaumZeit-Forschung"
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Prof. Dr. Markus Vinzent

Personal information

Research project


  • Vinzent, Markus (2024a): „Inheritance of land – the origin of property“, in: Helen Anne Gibson, Dirk Schuck, Sofia Bianchi Mancini, Markus Vinzent (Hrsg.), Relating to Land, Frankfurt a.M., (i. E.).
  • Vinzent, Markus (2024b): „Nature – our common good? A Patristic challenge“, in: Marcin Wysocki (Hrsg.) Christians of the Patristic Period in Relation to Nature, ed. Marcin Wysocki, Studia Patristica ,Leuven, (i. E.).
  • Vinzent, Markus (2023a): Christ’s Torah. The Making of the New Testament in the Second Century, Abingdon: Routledge
  • Vinzent, Markus (2023b): „Race, Ethnicity and Family in Late Antique Judaism and Early Christianity“, in: Religions 14 (5), 603. DOI: 10.3390/rel14050603.
  • Resetting the Origins of Christianity. A New Theory of Sources and Beginnings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Vinzent, Markus (2022a): „Jewish-Christian relations: A painful split“, in: Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, John Anthony McGuckin, Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski, T&T Clark Handbook of the Early Church, London, New York, Dublin: T&T Clark, 19-64.
  • Vinzent, Markus (2022b): Resetting the Origins of Early Christianity. A new Theory of Sources and Beginnings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Vinzent, Markus (2016): „Embodied Early and Medieval Christianity: Challenging its “Canonical” and “Institutional” “Origin”“, in: Religion in the Roman Empire 2, 203-216.

Further information