Research Promotion and Funding

[Translate to English:] Forschungsförderung DFG

A large number of different funding programmes and institutions are available for the funding of research projects, which differ in the respective objectives of the support though. The selection of a suitable programme can be based, for example, on the kind of support measures. Hence, funding can be specifically applied for individual persons, individual projects, collaborations or individual measures and also as structural funding. The following websites and the newsletters of the individual funding institutions are available for research on suitable and current calls for proposals or funding formats from national/international funding bodies.

Key Funding Agencies, Funding Bodies and Information on Funding Formats

Electronic Research Funding Information System (ELFI) When using ELFI, please register with your university e-mail address and login. This will increase the research possibilities at your diposal.


Information Service „Research, International Affairs, Transfer (FIT)“

Assistance with the selection of suitable funding bodies or programmes can be obtained by the application consultationfrom the Research and Graduate Services.


Research Application Management and Career Development Service
(Staff Unit Research and Graduate Services)
C02 – administration building / room 0.31
Research Application Management and Career Development Service
(Staff Unit Research and Graduate Services)
C02 – administration building / room-Nr. 0.33