| Erfurt Laboratory for Empirical Research, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Philosophy, Research, University

Erfurt's "Open Science Initiative" is "University Pearl" of the Month

Open Science promises more robust findings for science, business and society. The aim of the "Open Science Initiative" of the University of Erfurt (EFOSI) is to increase the transparency of social and behavioral science research and to improve the reliability of its results. The "Stifterverband" has now awarded this project the "University Pearl Open Science" of September.

The initiative organizes various workshops and further training courses on the topic of Open Science for all interested parties at the university in order to support the introduction and implementation of methods in the field of "Open Science" and to exchange experiences with others. Its website also presents its own activities that take up Open Science in research and teaching. In addition, the members follow what is happening internationally in the areas of research transparency and Open Science and provide information on this in their network. A further goal of EFOSI is to establish Open Science in teaching and to convey the importance of transparent research to students. To this end, the project participants introduce students to Open Science practices and promote the application of these methods in qualification work. And at the institutional level, the initiative ensures that its goals are firmly anchored, for example by advocating that Open Science criteria be taken into account in appointment and hiring decisions and in examination regulations at the University of Erfurt.

The initiative is made up of students, doctoral candidates, postdocs and professors from various social and behavioural science disciplines and is supported by the Research Data Management Service Centre at the University of Erfurt. "The 'Erfurt Open Science Initiative' pursues a holistic approach to strengthen Open Science in research, teaching and at the institutional level," said the jury of the Stifterverband, explaining the decision to award the University Pearl of Open Science to Thuringia in September. "With this project, the University of Erfurt succeeds in institutionalizing this important topic, information and further education offerings are made visible".

Further information / contact:
Eva Thomm
Phone: 0361 737-2022
e-mail: eva.thomm@uni-erfurt.de

What is the "University Pearl"?

"University Pearls" are innovative, exemplary projects that are realized in a university. Because they are small, they are hardly registered outside the university walls. But because they shine, they can and should also adorn other universities. Every month, the "Stifterverband" presents a "University Pearl". Once a year, the "University Pearl" of the year is chosen from the monthly pearls. In 2020, the award will be presented under the overall theme of "Open Science". This is about new approaches in research and teaching that go beyond established forms and formats to bring science together with society and business. The aim of the initiatives and projects to be honored is to promote innovation and strengthen the social benefits of science.