The six-member jury of experts thus honored her contribution "The role of the mass media in everyday conversations: A comparison of two hidden field observations", which was published in the journal Publizistik (64/2019 (3): 303-327). The DGPuK has been awarding the prize since 2004. All articles published within one year in one of the three journals - Journalism, Media & Communication Studies or SCM - are considered.
"The prize means a lot to me, as the essay is virtually a highly abbreviated version of my habilitation thesis, which I will submit next month," explains Nicole Podschuweit. "This gives me another boost in return. Moreover, in view of the increasingly psychological orientation of our subject, I am very pleased to have received this award for a sociologically oriented field study. In this way, I was able to make at least a small contribution to making communication science more visible again in its entire range.