Pool of experts

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At the University of Erfurt, experts conduct research and teach on a wide range of socially relevant topics. They are happy to make their expertise available to journalists and press representatives as interview and discussion partners. The Office of University Communications uses its pool of experts to help in the search for suitable experts and is happy to establish contact.


Subject areas

current: Energy Crisis and Energy Policy

Professor Andreas Goldthau |Franz Haniel Professor of Political Science | Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

You can also find current scientific contributions on the topic on our research blog "WortMelder".

current: Planetary Health

You can also find current scientific contributions on the topic on our research blog "WortMelder".

Further subject areas

Communication and Media

Professor Csaba Földes (German Linguistics)

  • intercultural communication
  • migration and language

Professor Kai Hafez (Communication Science with Focus on Comparative Analysis of Media Systems / Communication Cultures)

  • Islam and media
  • international and intercultural communication
  • journalism and politics
  • media and international reporting
  • social media
  • media and politics

Professor Sven Jöckel (Communication Science with a Focus on Children and Youth Media)    

  • topics in the area of conflict between youth media use, behavioural change and health – for example, questions about media effects in fictional offers, entertainment-education or personal well-being

Professor Patrick Rössler (Empirical Communication Research / Methods)

  • media effects
  • press history
  • empirical research methods
  • presentation of health in (audiovisual) media
  • effects of media health messages, especially on children
  • health as an object of entertainment-education measures
  • media use and media effects
  • political communication
  • online communication
  • visual communication in a historical perspective

Professor Gila Antonia Schauer (Applied Linguistics with Focus on English Studies)    

  • intercultural communication


Dr Hendrikje Carius (Study Centre Protestantism of the Research Library Gotha)

  • Protestantism

Professor Andreas Gotzmann (Jewish Studies)    

  • Jewish history and culture
  • general questions of social debates about Jews and Judaism

Professor Kai Hafez (Communication Science with Focus on Comparative Analysis of Media Systems / Communication Cultures)

  • Islam, islamophobia
  • Islam and media
  • muslims in Germany
  • immigration, refugees
  • Middle East/North Africa, Egypt, Israel/Palestine, Iran

Professor Michael Haspel (Systematic Theology)

  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • peace ethics

Professor Benedikt Kranemann (Liturgical Science)    

  • liturgy
  • rituals: services (past / present), religious and non-religious rituals, festivals, church building
  • funeral ceremonies after disasters

Professor Andreas Lindner (Church History / Systematic Theology)    

  • church
  • history of theology from its beginnings to 1945 with a special focus on the history of the reformation
  • church and theological history of the early modern period

Professor Elke Mack (Christian Social Science and Social Ethics)    

  • legal ethics
  • ethics of migration
  • social ethics

Professor Vasilios N. Makrides (Religious Studies with Focus on Orthodox Christianity)    

  • orthodox Christianity / religion in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
  • religious East-West relations in Europe
  • byzantine and greek Orthodoxy
  • orthodox Christians in the West and in the diaspora
  • orthodox Christianity and Islam

Professor Jörg Rüpke (Comparative Religious Studies)

  • ancient religion
  • ritual
  • calendars
  • religion and violence

Professor Myriam Wijlens (Canon Law)

  • ecumenism
  • canon law
  • (catholic) marriage and family
  • sacrament funeral
  • reform of the catholic church
  • structure of the church
  • decision-making processes in the church
  • papacy, bishopric


Professor Andreas Anter (Political Education)

  • constitutional policy and legal foundations of the political system
  • internal security
  • elections (EU, Bundestag, state parliament elections)
  • parties,
  • federal-state issues (federalism)
  • education policy
  • political education
  • charisma in politics
  • power and questions of power in politics
  • Max Weber (work and person)

Professor André Brodocz (Political Theory)

  • elections (EU, Bundestag, state parliament elections)
  • constitutional crises (Germany, Europe, USA)
  • constitutional conflicts (Germany, Europe, USA)

Professor Andreas Goldthau (Franz Haniel Professor of Political Science)

  • global energy transition / energy turnaround & EU "Green Deal"
  • climate policy (Paris Agreement, climate justice, ...)
  • EU energy security (Russian gas, green hydrogen, etc.)
  • international energy markets (oil, OPEC, ...)

Professor Achim Kemmerling (Professor of Public Policy and International Development at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy/ Faculty of Political Science)

  • Latin American politics (especially Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay) as well as in Myanmar/Indonesia and Hungary
  • tax, labour market and social policy in Germany in international comparison
  • basic security/citizen's income
  • poverty reduction and development policy
  • digitalisation, especially in the area of the future of work

Professor Elke Mack (Christian Social Science and Social Ethics)    

  • global ethics
  • theories of Justice

Professor Vasilios N. Makrides (Religious Studies with focus on Orthodox Christianity)    

  • Orthodoxy, State and Politics in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
  • secular cults and political religions
  • orthodox Christianity and nationalism
  • orthodox Christianity, violence and potential for conflict

Dr Silvan Niedermeier (History)    

  • racism and civil rights in the USA
  • African/American history
  • history of violence
  • visual history, colonial history
  • history of US imperialism

Professor Patrick Rössler (Empirical Communication Research/Methods)

  • political communication

Dr Tatjana Tarkian (philosophy)    

  • political philosophy

Health and Psychology

Professor Cornelia Betsch (Psychology)    

  • risk perception and communication
  • planetary health communication
  • conflict between individual and social benefits of health decisions, social dilemmas
  • psychological factors influencing vaccination decisions and the use of antibiotics

Professor Ernst Hany (Educational Psychological Diagnostics and Differential Psychology)    

  • conditions and predictors of mental and physical stability in prospective teachers
  • personality factors and their effects on health and longevity

Professor Sven Jöckel (Communication Science with a Focus on Children and Youth Media)    

  • topics in the area of conflict between youth media use, behavioural change and health – for example, questions about media effects in fictional offers, entertainment-education or personal well-being

Professor Jürgen Martschukat (North American History)     

  • history of nutrition and health
  • fatness and fitness in the USA
  • management of a research project on "The Eating Subject: A History of the Political in the USA from the 19th to the 21st Century", "Nutrition, Health and Social Order in Modernity: Germany and the USA"

Professor Guido Mehlkop (Methods of Empirical Social Research)    

  • use of performance-enhancing drugs in the (German) population
  • drug Abuse
  • ethical and normative aspects of pharmaceutical performance enhancement and their effects on the willingness to take
  • decision theory and decision heuristics regarding drug abuse

Dr Frank Renkewitz (Psychology)    

  • risk perception and communication
  • decision-making in the health sector
  • research methods

Professor Patrick Rössler (Empirical Communication Research/Methods)     

  • presentation of health in (audiovisual) media
  • effects of media health messages, especially on children
  • health as an object of entertainment-education measures
  • media use and media effects
  • political communication
  • online communication
  • visual communication in a historical perspective

Dr Markus Seifert (Communication Science)     

  • health services
  • hospital sociology
  • doctor-patient communication
  • new media and grief management

Dr Tatjana Tarkian (Philosophy)     

  • medical ethics, especially ethical questions of reproductive medicine, brain death debate and organ transplantation
  • political philosophy

Culture, Language and Society

Professor Tilmann Betsch (Social, Organizational and Economic Psychology)    

  • thinking: Judging, deciding, problem solving - from childhood to adulthood
  • attitudes and behaviour
  • dealing with risk
  • intuition
  • habits and routines
  • epistemology and scientific method

Professor Csaba Földes (German Linguistics)    

  • languages, linguistics
  • German language
  • language policy, multilingualism
  • intercultural communication
  • German as a foreign language, German as a second language
  • German abroad
  • migration and language
  • idioms, proverbs
  • language – culture – interculturalism
  • German speaking minorities abroad

Professor Andreas Gotzmann (Jewish Studies)

  • jewish history and culture, general questions of social debates about Jews and Judaism

Professor Kai Hafez (Communication Science with focus on comparative analysis of media systems/communication cultures)    

  • muslims in Germany
  • immigration, refugees
  • Islam
  • Middle East/North Africa, Egypt, Israel/Palestine, Iran
  • social media
  • media and politics

Professor Michael Haspel (Systematic Theology, Martin Luther Institute)

  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • black protest movement in the USA
  • peace ethics
  • US security policy

PD Dr Bettina Hollstein (Max Weber Centre for Cultural and Social Studies)    

  • business ethics
  • volunteering
  • sustainability
  • service learning
  • pragmatic action theory

Professor Achim Kemmerling (Professor of Public Policy and International Development)

  • tax, labour market and social policy in Germany in international comparison
  • basic security/citizen's income
  • poverty reduction and development policy
  • digitalisation, especially in the area of the future of work

Professor Benedikt Kranemann (Liturgical Science)

  • rituals: religious and non-religious rituals
  • celebrations
  • funeral ceremonies after disasters

Dr Silvan Niedermeier (History)    

  • racism and civil rights in the USA
  • US-American cultural history
  • history of the US American South
  • African American history
  • history of violence
  • visual history, colonial history
  • history of US imperialism

Professor Elke Mack (Christian Social Science and Social Ethics)    

  • legal ethics
  • ethics of migration
  • social ethics

Professor Vasilios N. Makrides (Religious Studies with Focus on Orthodox Christianity)    

  • culture, language and society
  • orthodox cultures in history and present
  • religious ideas and mentalities in Eastern and Southeastern Europe
  • Orthodoxy, the West and Europe/European Integration
  • orthodox rigorism/fundamentalism
  • orthodox world and modernity
  • conversions to orthodox Christianity

Dr Kathrin Paasch (Gotha Research Library)

  • library and information science
  • books

Professor Susanne Rau (History and Cultures of Spaces in Modern Times)    

  • city history, urbanity, metropolises
  • spatiality and temporality
  • history of borders
  • "global" trade in pre-modern times,
  • history of the atlas as a form of knowledge
  • history of historiography

Professor Gila Antonia Schauer (Applied Linguistics with Focus on English Studies)

  • intercultural communication
  • language and culture (with focus on English and German)
  • discourtesy
  • courtesy
  • pragmatics
  • discourse analysis
  • second language acquisition and academic stays abroad

Professor Till Talaulicar (Organization and Management)

  • supervisory boards // leadership
  • corporate codes of ethics
  • corporate governance
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • German corporate governance code

Education and pedagogy

Professor Andreas Anter (Political Education)    

  • Education Policy
  • Political education

Professor Csaba Földes (German Linguistics)    

  • German as a foreign language/second language
  • Multilingualism
  • Interculturalism

Professor Heike Hahn (didactics of mathematics)

  • Didactics of mathematics, especially in primary school
  • Mathematical teaching and learning in primary school
  • In-service and further training of mathematics teachers at primary schools

PD Dr Bettina Hollstein (Max Weber College for Cultural and Social Studies)

  • Sustainability
  • Service learning

Professor Gila Antonia Schauer (applied linguistics with focus on English studies)

  • Second language acquisition and academic stays abroad


Professor Andreas Gotzmann (Jewish Studies)   

  • Jewish history and culture

Professor Andreas Lindner (Church History/Systematic Theology)

  • Church
  • History of theology from its beginnings to 1945 with special emphasis on the history of the Reformation, the history of the church and theology of the early modern period

Professor Vasilios N. Makrides (Religious Studies with focus on Orthodox Christianity)    

  • History of Orthodox Churches/Cultures in Eastern and South Eastern Europe
  • Relations between Germany and Greece from the early modern period to the present day

Professor Jürgen Martschukat (North American History)    

  • History of nutrition and health
  • Management of a research project on "The Eating Subject: A History of the Political in the USA from the 19th to the 21st Century", "Nutrition, Health and Social Order in Modernity: Germany and the USA

Dr Silvan Niedermeier (History)    

  • Racism and civil rights in the USA
  • US-American cultural history
  • History of the US American South
  • African American History
  • History of violence
  • Visual History, Colonial History
  • History of US imperialism

Professor Susanne Rau (history and cultures of spaces in modern times)

  • City history, urbanity, metropolises, space and time
  • History of borders
  • "Global" trade in the pre-modern era
  • History of the atlas as a form of knowledge
  • History of historiography

Professor Patrick Rössler (Empirical Communication Research/Methods)

  • Press History


Professor Andreas Gotzmann (Jewish Studies)    

  • Historical and cultural collections, museums and archives related to Judaism

Dr Kathrin Paasch (Gotha Research Library)

  • Collection research
  • Library and Information Science
  • Conservation and restoration science
  • Profile-forming collections of the FB Gotha (Reformation history collections, oriental collection, Gotha Perthes collection)

Dr Petra Weigel (Gotha Research Library)

  • Gotha Perthes Collection


Professor Andreas Goldthau (Franz Haniel Professor of Political Science)

  • Global Energy Transition / Energy Turnaround & EU Green Deal
  • Climate policy (Paris Agreement, climate justice, ...)
  • EU energy security (Russian gas, green hydrogen, etc.)
  • International energy markets (oil, OPEC, ...)

PD Dr Bettina Hollstein (Max Weber Kolleg for Cultural and Social Studies)

  • Business Ethics
  • Volunteering
  • Sustainability
  • Service learning
  • Pragmatic action theory

Professor Achim Kemmerling (Professor of Public Policy and International Development at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy/ Faculty of Political Science)

  • Latin American economies (especially Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay) as well as in Myanmar/Indonesia and Hungary
  • Basic income/ citizen's income
  • Labour market and social policy (especially social benefits)

Professor Elke Mack (Christian Social Science and Social Ethics)    

  • Global ethics
  • Theories of Justice
  • Business Ethics

Professor Vasilios N. Makrides (Religious Studies with focus on Orthodox Christianity)

  • Orthodox Christianity, economic development and modernisation in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe

Professor Till Talaulicar (Organization and Management)    

  • Supervisory Board
  • Corporate Codes of Ethics
  • Corporate governance
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • German Corporate Governance Code
  • Management Organization
  • Organization and Management
  • Business Ethics
  • Corporate Codes
  • Board of Directors

