Application for a Master programme

Admission requirements for a Master Programme

Admission to a Master programme is granted to those who have successfully completed a university study programme with a standard period of study of at least six semesters as a general admission requirement.

The examination regulations for the respective Master program regulate the program-related admission requirements; the examination committee decides on their fulfilment. The letter of admission issued by the examination committee is a requirement for enrolment.

How do I apply?

If you are already studying at the University of Erfurt, please log in to the student portal (tab 'Application') and start your application there.

1. Registration

Before you can submit an application, you must first register in the application portal to create an applicant account at the University of Erfurt. To register, please use an e-mail address that you check regularly. After registration, you will receive a message (welcome e-mail) with your user ID and an activation code / activation link to the e-mail address you have given. You can activate your account by entering the activation code or by calling up the activation link from the e-mail.

Important: Please remember your user ID, which you will receive in the welcome e-mail after your registration, as well as your self-selected password. You will need these to log in to the application portal in the future.

You must register again for each application semester. Data from previous semesters will be deleted. If you have already registered for the current application semester, you can log in directly with your access data.

As part of the enrolment process at the University of Erfurt, personal data is collected and stored. Before filling out the online form, therefore, please note the following information:Information in accordance with Art. 13 EU-DSGVO on the collection, processing and use of personal data in the context of admission and enrolment procedures.

2. Submit an application

After successfully logging into the application portal, you can now submit one or more application requests.

After you have selected your desired degree programme, you will be guided through the application step by step. In the course of the application, you will be asked to upload documents (such as study report) at some points. After completing the data entry, your application will have the status "In preparation". You have the opportunity to check everything again and correct it if necessary.

Incomplete applications and applications that have not (yet) been submitted will be saved so that the application can be continued when you return.

Afterwards, do not forget to submit your application (electronically)!

3. Submit request (electronically)

In order for your application to be processed and checked, you still need to submit it electronically. After submitting an application, it will be given the status "Received" and will appear under "Submitted requests" in your application overview.

The application is completely digital, i.e. you do not have to send any documents by post!

4. Stay up to date

You can track the status of your applications in the application portal. If you have activated the e-mail notification in the application portal, you will receive an e-mail from us if something has changed in the status of your study application or if a decision has been provided.

All documents required for the professional decision of your application can be uploaded electronically during the online application process. Please note that only files in PDF-format are accepted.

No documents need to be sent by post as part of the application process. The application is completely digital.

Your application will be reviewed and decided by the faculty. You will be informed about the processing status of your application in the application portal. If you have activated e-mail notifications, you will also receive a separate e-mail in the event of status changes.

As soon as your application has been decided, you will receive the corresponding notification electronically in the application portal.

If you have received a notification of admission, you must accept the place on time. Please declare this by 31 March (summer semester) / 30 September(winter semester) at the latest by applying for enrolment in the application portal. You have to add some data to the information you have already entered in your application. Please follow the further instructions in the applicant portal and then let yourself be guided through the online enrolment!

Once you have finished entering your data, click on the 'Finish and calculate fees' button.  The fees and contributions to be paid for the enrolment are now calculated on the basis of this data and the corresponding invoice(s) are listed.

By clicking on the “To overview” button, you will return to the overview page with your application and enrolment applications. Please submit all documents for enrolment digitally. Clicking on the “Next to document upload” button will lead you directly to the required documents.
After you have uploaded the required documents the enrolment application is complete and your documents can be checked by us.

As soon as you have submitted all the required documents, we will enrol you.

As your enrolment application status changes to “enroled”, your user data for the university account (University of Erfurt e-mail address, your user name and the initial password) will be available on the start page of the applicant portal. The initial password must first be changed for unrestricted use of the services of the University Computer and Media Center (URMZ). The change is made via the URMZ user portal. Only then is your university account active. As soon as you have activated your university account by changing the initial password, you can also use it to log in to the applicant/student portal. Your previous access data (applicant account) will only be available as a temporary login after enrolment.

We will send you your student ID card (thoska) by post.
Once you have enroled, you will be a member of the University of Erfurt from the start of the semester.

Please note that you will need to validate your student ID card (thoska) before using it for the first time. It is best to do this on your first visit to the campus.

Campus map of the University of Erfurt with references to the locations of the thoska devices (German only)


Studierendenangelegenheiten (Dezernat 1: Studium und Lehre)
Student Affairs
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – administration building / Erdgeschoss (Haupteingang)
Office hours
in person: Monday to Thursday 12-15 hrs and by appointment
by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30