Research projects

University focus areas
Faculty / institution
Project management
05/2024 - 04/2026
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
1 111 000 €
In the BBNE Hubs project, existing and tried-and-tested educational interventions from successful pilot projects are transferred and further consolidated.
Bildungsverbund Batterie Mitteldeutschland
Project management
Claudia Müller
04/2023 - 03/2028
7 600 000 €
Cooperation project with the aim of sustainably building up skilled labour competence for the Central German region along the entire value chain of battery cell production in two main pillars: 1. qualification as well as further and advanced training of the employees of already resident companies to shape the change, whereby SMEs in particular receive support in personnel development; 2. development of offers for retraining and further education of skilled workers as a location factor for the…
Project management
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Stutz
09/2014 - 12/2017
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
283 000 €
In cooperation with the Bundesverband Bildender Künstler*innen (BBK e.V. - Federal Association of Visual Artists), the University of Erfurt and the SPI Foundation are developing a qualification model for professional artists that will be scientifically monitored and evaluated. The focus of the further education is on imparting knowledge about the educational significance of artistic processes for children, especially in situations of transition.
Denomination - Education - Politics
Project management
Prof. Dr. Michael Gabel
09/2012 - 09/2017
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
500 000 €
Michael Gabel: The BMBF-funded project is a fundamental investigation in the field of cultural education for about 40 locations of student communities (KSG and ESG) in Eastern Germany. On the basis of the research results to be published, this will open up a wide range of scientific projects for universities, colleges, social science institutions and institutions of political education: in the fields of politics, (contemporary) history, education, sociology, philosophy, theology, law, ethics and…
Development of an Evidence-Based Communication Strategy to Promote Physical Activity Among Older and Very Old People in Germany
Project management
Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann
04/2018 - 02/2019
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA):
100 000 €
The project, funded by the Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA), is developing an evidence-based communication strategy to promote physical activity among older and very old people in Germany as part of the "Älter werden in Balance" (Getting older in balance) programme based on qualitative guideline interviews and a representative telephone survey.
Digital Portal "Ungarndeutsches Zweisprachigkeits- und Sprachkontaktkorpus" (UZSK)
Project management
Prof. Dr. Dr. Csaba Földes
09/2015 - 03/2019
Kulturstaatsministerin für Kultur und Medien (BKM):
89 000 €
The subject matter is a multilingual culture with specific structures of expression and patterns of use of German. In terms of content, the project is to be placed within the framework of diatopically oriented variational linguistics (keyword: Regionalsprachen- bzw. Sprachdynamikforschung - regional language or language dynamics research) on the one hand, and within that of bi- or multilingualism research and contact linguistics on the other.
Establishment of a cross-university "Scientific Coordination Unit for Dealing with the Colonial Heritage in Thuringia".
Project management
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kuller
09/2021 - 08/2024
Several donors
300 000 €
The coordination unit builds on the existing expertise on the topic of "colonial heritage" at the Universities of Erfurt and Jena and aims to network and strengthen activities in the future with regard to research, teaching and social dialogue.
Generic and Subject Specific Professional Competence and Performance Measures of Teachers for General Studies
Project management
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bernadette Gold
01/2019 - 12/2022
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
196 478 €
The requested study is intended to examine the connection between professional knowledge and professional perception with regard to two important dimensions of teaching, classroom management and learning support, with the quality of classroom management and learning support, with the learning progress of pupils and with the assessment of pupils, using 60 primary school teachers and their respective classes.
German Media Language Abroad
Project management
Prof. Dr. Dr. Csaba Földes
04/2019 - 03/2022
Kulturstaatsministerin für Kultur und Medien (BKM):
122 000 €
The main objective of the proposed project is the scientific research and documentation of the current German media language abroad using the example of the German minority press in Central and Eastern Europe.
HEATCOM - Behavioural data for effective heat communication
Project management
Dr. Mirjam Jenny
11/2023 - 12/2026
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG):
911 000 €
The project "Behavioural data for effective heat communication – HEATCOM" investigates how citizens behave in heat situations, which factors influence their protective behaviour and which interventions could contribute to health-promoting adaptation. The aim of the project is to generate evidence that can be used by relevant organisations, authorities or the public health service to design specific communication campaigns and intervention programmes. The project will be carried out using the…
JITSUVAX. Jiu-jitsu with misinformation in the age of COVID: Using refutation-based learning to enhance vaccine uptake and knowledge among healthcare professionals and the public.
Project management
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch
04/2021 - 03/2025
Horizon 2020 (EU):
747 584 €
Vaccine hesitancy—the delay or refusal of vaccination without medical indication—has been cited as a serious threat to global health by the World Health Organization (WHO), attributing it to misinformation on the internet. The WHO has also identified Health Care Professionals (HCPs) as the most trusted influencers of vaccination decisions. JITSUVAX leverages those insights to turn toxic misinformation into a potential asset.
KEEP Panel Thuringia: Cognitive development of decision-making competence and social participation
Project management
Prof. Dr. Tilmann Betsch
09/2021 - 08/2024
Freistaat Thüringen:
397 000 €
Tilmann Betsch: In this project we are investigating which developmental steps lead to decision-making competence in complex modern environments, how this can be promoted and which factors determine the cognitive development of decision-making competence from primary school age.
KarAfAs – Cartographies of Africa and Asia
Project management
02/2021 - 01/2023
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
370 000 €
The subject of this indexing are the maps of Africa and Asia published until 1945 - a total of 35,349 map sheets - as a central core holdings of the Perthes Collection preserved by the Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt. The online presentation and permanent storage of the digital copies will take place in the Digital Historical Library Erfurt/Gotha, which is maintained and hosted by the Thuringian University and State Library Jena (ThULB). In this way, the maps will be made…
Nutrition, Health and Modern Society: Germany and the United States
Project management
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Martschukat
10/2015 - 10/2018
1 000 000 €
The research project aims to work out the significance of nutrition and health for the order of modern societies from the 19th century to the present. The empirical focus is on the USA and Germany, so that regional differences as well as the dynamics of interdependence in globalizing constellations become apparent.
Protecting Academia At Risk: Towards a New Policy Agenda for a Thriving Culture of higher education in Europe
Project management
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kleeberg
03/2024 - 02/2026
Gerda Henkel Stiftung:
183 000 €
The current situation of academia at risk in the European landscape raises three distinct research questions. First, what is the current institutional framework that responds to academic displacement in Europe? Second, what are the normative contours of protecting academic freedom in future democratic societies? Third, how does an improved system of integrating displaced academics connect to broader values such as the protection of a thriving academic culture? This project builds on our seed…
Research Campus Digital Teacher Education
Project management
Prof. Dr. Gerd Mannhaupt
01/2020 - 12/2024
Several donors
1 330 400 €
With the project "Research Campus Digital Teacher Education", the University of Erfurt is helping to shape the digital change in education, because the key to the success of digitisation in education lies, among other things, in the comprehensive training of teachers.
Subproject UniSchulPlattform
01/2020 - 12/2024
Sub-project in the project "Forschungscampus digitale Lehrer*innenbildung". The UniSchoolPlatform is an experimental learning platform for students and university lecturers as well as pupils and teachers at partner schools of the University of Erfurt.
Supplementary User-Specific Information Material to Impart Relevant Knowledge for the Management of Exceptional Biological Hazards to Strengthen Crisis Management (ERIM)
Project management
05/2018 - 12/2020
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG):
430 000 €
ERIM is a project sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - BMG) and led by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for the development of supplementary information materials to support physicians in private practice in exceptional biological hazard situations in order to promote good crisis management.
TAM - Tablets and Apps in Mathematics Education
Project management
(apl.) Prof. Dr. Heike Hahn
01/2019 - 12/2019
Several donors
40 000 €
The aim of the teaching innovation is to further develop the content and concept of a compulsory module in the teaching-focused master's programme in such a way that students are enabled to use tablets and apps in mathematics lessons in a targeted and comprehension-supporting way.
TRANS-SUSTAIN - Transversal Competence Management for More Sustainability in Occupational Profiles Using the Example of the Butcher's Trade and the Meat Products Industry
Project management
(apl.) Prof. Dr. Matthias Vonken
06/2019 - 04/2021
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
171 000 €
The project "TRANS-SUSTAIN" stands for the research and development of a holistic and transversal competence framework as well as the correspondingly associated competence-promoting environment and instruments in the field of application of small and medium-sized butcher's businesses that practice slaughtering or meat processing as well as the sale of meat and sausage products.
Teacher assessments and feedback for learners with a migrant background
Project management
Dr. Helene Zeeb
08/2022 - 08/2024
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
28 000 €
This research project will examine the extent to which teachers' assessments and feedback differ depending on whether they are dealing with students with or without a migration background. It will also examine the extent to which such assessments are related to teachers' explicit and implicit attitudes.
Teilprojekt: DigiLernLab / eduroom
Project management
01/2020 - 12/2024
Subproject of the projekt "Forschungscampus digitale Lehrer*innenbildung". In the DigiLernLab project, a workspace (the eduroom) will be designed and equipped with digital devices to facilitate the acquisition of subject-specific, subject-didactic and technological-informational as well as media-didactic competences by students. At the same time, the room will also serve to promote digital higher education didactic competences among teachers. The DigiLernLab will also facilitate empirical…
The recovered manuscript Ms Eisenach 1361 of the Wartburg Foundation and its partial parallels: edition and situating in space and time
Project management
Dr. Jana Ilnicka
02/2021 - 01/2024
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
328 400 €
Jana Ilnicka: With this project I would like to offer a critical edition of the texts of the Wartburg manuscript, which will be made accessible to medieval research as a whole, especially to research on gender and women's education issues and also to Eckhart research. Furthermore, in addition to the critical edition of the manuscript, contributions to situating these texts in local and contemporary discourses will be developed, which will serve to prepare a theoretical monograph on issues of…
Transfer und Individualisierung videobasierter Assessmentmodule zur Gesprächskompetenz im Medizinstudium – voLeA TraIn
Project management
Prof. Dr. Johannes Bauer
11/2021 - 04/2024
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
260 297 €
voLeA-TraIn (follow-up funding to voLeA) is a joint project funded by the BMBF between medical didactics (TU Munich) and empirical educational research (University of Erfurt). In the Erfurt subproject, the video-based Situational Judgment Test for medical interviewing developed in the first funding phase is being transferred to other medical faculties and expanded to include feedback features.
Vaccination 60+ (Impfen 60+)
Project management
10/2016 - 09/2019
2 136 000 €
Vaccination 60+ (Impfen 60+) is a pharma-independent, scientific cooperative project of the research initiative InfectControl 2020 within the framework of the funding measure "Zwanzig20 - Partnerschaft für Innovation" (2020 Partnership for Innovation) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Together, psychologists and communication scientists from the University of Erfurt, designers from the Lindgrün GmbH agency and medical doctors and health economists from the University…

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