Faculty of Education Education, School, and Behaviour

Teilprojekt: DigiLernLab / eduroom

Subproject of the projekt "Forschungscampus digitale Lehrer*innenbildung". In the DigiLernLab project, a workspace (the eduroom) will be designed and equipped with digital devices to facilitate the acquisition of subject-specific, subject-didactic and technological-informational as well as media-didactic competences by students. At the same time, the room will also serve to promote digital higher education didactic competences among teachers. The DigiLernLab will also facilitate empirical educational research. In addition, the room will be a place of encounter, exchange and joint reflection on teaching and learning about and with digital media.

01/2020 - 12/2024

Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft (TMWWDG)

Project management

Prof. Dr. Sandra Tänzer
Sub project manager "DigiLernLab" (University of Erfurt)


Maren Würfel

Main project

Related projects

Video.LinK Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bernadette Gold,
(apl.) Prof. Dr. Heike Hahn

Further information can be found on the DigiLernLab / eduroom project pages of the Faculty of Education.

DigiLernLab / eduroom

Cooperation partner

Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport (TMBJS)

Thüringer Institut für Lehrerfortbildung, Lehrplanentwicklung und Medien (ThILLM)

Staatliche Seminare für die Lehramtsausbildung

Netzwerk aus (Praktikums-)Schulen der Universität Erfurt

Profile field