| Gründungsservice

"Hits the nail on the head" - The Build-Share-Repair e.V.

Katharina Kucharczyk, a student at the University of Erfurt, is working together with other committed people, consisting of several (hobby) craftsmen and women with and without an academic background, in the newly founded BUILD-SHARE-REPAIR e.V. for more sustainability in the city. In a relaxed exchange with the Founders Service, Jannis Lueb (FH Erfurt - BA Social Work), Aaron Schnabel (FH Erfurt - B.A. Architecture, currently a journeyman carpenter), Nicole Haschke (FH Potsdam - BA Communication Design) and Katharina Kucharczyk (Uni Erfurt - MA Educational Science) provided deeper insights into the history of the association and showed how a small neighbourhood initiative can grow into something big.


Who exactly is behind BUILD-SHARE-REPAIR e.V.?

Our non-profit association, founded in and for Erfurt at the end of 2023, is primarily made up of people who volunteer their time to promote greater sustainability and combat the "throwaway society". The initial spark came from several residents of a house at Magdeburger Allee 58.

How did the founding initiative come about?

"Community responsibility" is the magic phrase here, closely followed by "use, don't own". We wanted to turn what was initially a small neighbourhood initiative, or rather two garages and a yard, into a workshop from which not only we but also others could benefit. In order to be able to obtain a corresponding rental agreement as well as donations and further funding, a legally secure foundation ultimately had to be created. The founding idea for BUILD-SHARE-REPAIR e.V. was born.

But what exactly does the organisation want to achieve and what is its purpose?

With low-threshold offers for workshop use, including the tools and machines available there, we want to create a social, democratic place where sustainable action can really be lived alone or in community with other interested parties. In a nutshell, we want to provide a permanent space that enables residents of the city to repair things themselves or simply tinker around. "Away from the throwaway society and towards a wonderful way of exchanging experiences and learning different skills and abilities" is the motto. The enjoyment of neighbourly fellowship is also an essential core area of our association's work. Not least, it ensures that we find open ears and hearts, especially in what are currently very challenging times for many.

What role did the UE and the Founders Service play in the founding of your association?

By attending a course focusing on finding and trying out entrepreneurial solutions to various current social challenges in the Master's programme in Educational Science, I, Katharina, became aware of the Founders Service and its offers for students and employees at our university. It thus became the first official point of contact and, as an initiative without a legal form at the time, provided us with very good guidance for the larger project we had in mind. Jana and Martin pointed out important and fundamental aspects of founding an association, supported us in drawing up the statutes for our non-profit work and provided us with groundbreaking contacts, which are still of immense importance to us - especially in the areas of taxes and law - in order to be able to survive in the long term. Our efforts went as far as offering to accompany the founding meeting. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again!

Where do the entrepreneurial spirit and role models come from?

It's actually quite simple: before the world comes to an end, WE have to act - right NOW! Various existing open workshops, such as Konglomerat e.V. in Dresden or Gut Alaune e.V. near Halle/Saale, have been demonstrating for some time how well such a concept is accepted by the population. So why "reinvent the wheel" when you can take inspiration from great role models and do just as much good in your own neighbourhood?

Your three crispest tips for "imitators":

Make sure you find professional and experienced supporters in good time. In the best-case scenario, this will prevent you from having to deal with the authorities unnecessarily, which must be involved in any case, especially when founding a non-profit organisation. Longer waiting times should also be taken into account in all planning steps and very importantly: put a little pressure on yourself if necessary, after all, you want to provide important added value for society and since volunteering is more important than ever today, you shouldn't shy away from "getting on the nerves" of the relevant authorities.

It is also advisable to deal with all organisational, financial and tax-related aspects of setting up a company as early as possible. On the one hand, this protects you from "nasty surprises" and - incidentally - also helps you personally.

What are your hopes for the near future/where do you want to go with BUILD-SHARE-REPAIR e.V.?

First and foremost, the association should become a kind of "self-runner" and thus become a natural part of Erfurt's cityscape. We would like to have even more active members so that the work of the organisation can be spread over more shoulders than those currently available. Of course, increasing the level of awareness and utilisation is also a key objective. It would be great if there were an Open Werkstadt in every neighbourhood in Erfurt and if these were already taken into account as community spaces in all urban planning plans. We are currently working on a concrete mission statement and are also drawing on the initial experience gained by the association over the last few months.

Where exactly can BUILD-SHARE-REPAIR e.V. be found?

You are welcome to visit us at our premises at Magdeburger Allee 58 in Erfurt. We can also be found at most neighbourhood festivals and action days. We are also happy to provide an insight into our work and upcoming events via Instagram and Facebook. We are currently working on an association website. As soon as it goes online, we will provide information via our social media channels. So feel free to get in touch with us, we look forward to getting to know you.

Contact Build Share Repair e.V.: buildsharerepair@systemausfall.org


