Regardless of whether you are spending a semester or an entire degree programme in Erfurt - you need to organise your journey well!
On this page we have summarised some information on how to get here. Please also be sure to read all the emails we send you during the preparation and arrival phase!
Plan your stay in good time and refer to the pages on your particular type of study programme at the University of Erfurt:
Students who want to enrol at a German university may only do so with a student visa. A visa authorises you to enter, but not remain, in Germany. The visa has an expiration date. A visa is not required for students from EU countries, Switzerland, the USA, and Japan. You must apply for your visa at the German embassy or consulate in your home country. The following documents must generally be submitted for an application for a visa:
The processing of a visa can take up to three months. Please allow yourself ample time for the visa application! Never travel with just a tourist visa as it cannot be converted into a student visa. You also would not be able to enrol at the university and would have to leave Germany after three months!
Students from Non-EU-countries must apply for a residence permit at the Foreigner Registration Office Erfurt (Ausländerbehörde).
Ausländerbehörde der Stadt Erfurt
Schillerstraße 40, 99096 Erfurt
Telephone: (0361) 655-3830
You will always have to make an appointment online (Scroll down to Terminvereinbarung bei der Ausländerbehörde).
You will need the following documents:
You must enrol online via the HisInOne portal.
The portal will guide you through the enrolment process step by step. You will be asked to upload documents (certificates, language certificates), a photo for your student ID card (Thoska) and proof of payment of the semester contribution.
In addition, a German statutory health insurance company must report your health insurance status electronically to the University of Erfurt. Students under/up to 30 years of age must provide proof of statutory health insurance at the student rate. Students over 30 years of age must also have their insurance status reported by a statutory health insurance company.
The health insurance of some countries with which a bilateral agreement exists is recognised in Germany, i.e. you can remain insured in your home country if you present a corresponding certificate from your home health insurance fund to a German statutory health insurance company. The certificates of entitlement are currently (as of 04/2017):
European Health Insurance Card EHIC (EU countries & EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) & Switzerland
BH 16 (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
JU 6 (Serbia, Montenegro)
RM/D 11 (Macedonia)
AT/ 11 (Turkey)
A/TN 11 (Tunisia)
Health insurance policies from other countries and travel health insurance policies are generally not recognised, i.e. students must take out health insurance in Germany.
All students are obliged to apply for electronic notification of their health insurance status for enrolment with a German statutory health insurance provider.