Online Seminar: The Meaningfulness of Romano Guardini’s Thought in the Contemporary World

15. Jan. 2022, 16:00 Uhr - 19:30 Uhr

The current pandemic felt by the entire globe has brought not only deep anxieties and fears but also profound quests and search for root causes and answers for our challenging situations -- socio-political, cultural, ecological, etc.. In order to understand the uniqueness and specificity of our times and to look for some resources that may help us deepen our understanding, this special research project intends to explore the philosophical-theological writings of a special fiture, Romano Guardini, one of most important Catholic intellectuals in the 20th century.

The goal is not just to focus on Guardini himself or one particiular religion but to look into urgent issues and challenges the entire humanity is facing today. His philosophical and theological insights may provide us with a specific perspective to study and diagnose the contemporary conundrums and to inspire us to develop new insights and thoughts compatible and corresponding to the complex and globalized world in our times.

Holger Zaborowski talks about "The Look and Call of the Beautiful: Art in a Technological Age".


This is part of a series of online/in-person meetings under the general theme "The Space of Knowlege: Grounding Cross-disciplinarity and Cross-culturality in Romano Guardini's Threefold Seesing of the World." This is an joint project of Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Pontificia Facoltà di Teologia Teresianum, Libera Univesità Maria Santissima Assunt, Istituo Universitario Sophia, Virgina Theological Seminary and the CUA McLean Center for the Study of Culture and Values.

For the program click here 

Speakers on Jan 15th include:

Michael Rutz (President, Guardini Stiftung, Berlin)

The Story of 'Weltanschauug' for the Guardini Chair

- Giuseppe Fraticello (President, Center for the Study of the Catholic Comprehension of the World, Rome)

The Role of 'Weltanschauung' in the Contemporary Scientific Thinking

William A. Barbieri (Professor of Ethics, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC)

Views of the World: Guardini and Visual Ethics

Yvonne Dohna Schlobitten (Professor of Theological Aesthetics, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome)

The Origin and Nature of Guardini's Polar Opposition

João J. Vila-Chã (Professor of Philosophy, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome)

From Guardini to Levinas: On the Meta-Ontological Dimension of the Problem

Holger Zaborowski (Professor of Philosophy, University of Erfurt, Erfut)

The Look and Call of the Beautiful: Art in a Technological Age

For more information click here