| Central events

Register now: Erfurt Children's University starts a new round in October

Watch out, kids on the move: On 17 October, the Erfurt Children's University starts a new round. Children from Erfurt and the surrounding area can once again become real students. The Children's University invites them to sit in real lecture halls like the "grown-ups" and ask the university lecturers questions. The programme has just been published and registration is now open.

New and exciting topics await the children at the Helios Clinic, University and University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt: For example, they can find out what a chocolate bar has to do with our weather and follow the trail of Amplonius and his valuable book collection. In another event, there is a real ambulance to marvel at and the children learn how they themselves can become rescuers in an emergency. They also learn how the heart pumps blood through the body and supplies it with vital oxygen. The mini students can also discover the secret of magnetism or take a closer look at the insects and creepy-crawlies on our doorstep. And if you want to find out why the appendix is called the "appendix", the children's university is also the right place for you.

Whether you are aged 5 or 15, the events are designed for different age groups and participation is free of charge. Detailed information on the individual events and registration can be found on the Children's University website at www.kinderuni-erfurt.de. If you want to make sure you don't miss out on any news, you can also sign up for the "Schlaufuchs" newsletter at kinderuni-erfurt@fh-erfurt.de. In addition to the current programme, you will also find information on the modalities of the Children's University. Children can take part either individually or with the whole school class. However, registration is required in all cases.

Further information and registration:
Kristin Thieme
phone: 49 361 6700-7056
Email: kinderuni-erfurt@fh-erfurt.de