Mental Health First Aid

letters "mental health"

The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) team at the University of Erfurt offers colleagues first aid in mental health crisis situations.

In cooperation with the Mental Health First Aid programme, employees of the university have been trained in mental health first aid. This certified course contains recommendations on how lay people can assess the situation in mental health crises, assist those affected and refer them to professional help. The content is based on international guidelines and scientific principles.

Psychological counselling centres in Erfurt

This service is aimed exclusively at staff of the University of Erfurt.

Students can contact the Psychosocial Counselling Centre of the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) if they have problems.

What are mental health crises?

Mental health crises can vary from person to person and differ in terms of their severity. Some crises can occur in people with various mental disorders or under severe emotional stress.

  • suicidal thoughts and behaviour
  • non-suicidal self-harming behaviour
  • panic attacks
  • traumatic events
  • severe psychotic episodes
  • serious consequences of alcohol or substance use
  • acute danger to self and/or others

What can you expect from a consultation?

The counselling session is a low-threshold and short-term offer for employees in mental health crisis situations. It takes place in a confidential setting. The role of the qualified first aiders is mainly to listen, provide support and offer assistance until the affected person receives professional help or the crisis is overcome. The aim of the discussion is to jointly develop a plan for future action.

What can you not expect from a counselling session?

The counselling sessions are not a substitute for therapeutic treatment and are not intended to be permanent. First aiders cannot make any diagnoses. Here too, self-protection takes precedence over protecting others! If the crisis is so severe that professional help is required, the task of the first aider ends with the handover to the specialist.


The MHFA team at the University of Erfurt

Dr Andrea Schmerbauch (
Christian Tischmeyer (
Doreen Kranhold (
Franziska Gossen (
Margrit Elsner (
Marion Kraushaar (
Monika Marchl-Jagielki (
Nadine Pippus-Wehlisch (
Vivien Kretschmer (
Dr Yvonne Müller (

Other emergencies

emergency numbers
110 – emergency call police
112 – emergency call fire brigade, emergency doctor and rescue service

help in case of discrimination, harassment or violence