| Campus Gotha, Centre for Transcultural Studies, Knowledge, Spaces, and Media, Research

New Research Project on Geography and Politics Between Northeast Africa and Europe

Over the next three years, the Gerda Henkel Foundation will fund a new research project entitled „Geografie und Politik zwischen Nordostafrika und Europa. Selbstzeugnisse als Zugang zu einer relationalen Wissensgeschichte“ (Geography and Politics between Northeast Africa and Europe. Self-testimonies as access to a relational history of knowledge) at the Centre for Transcultural Studies / Gotha Perthes Collection at the University of Erfurt with €120.600. It started in September and focuses on journeys from Europe to North-East Africa before the colonial takeover.

In this project, headed by Professor Iris Schröder, natural history-geographical and political spatial knowledge is examined on the basis of selected texts produced during travels. The project asks about the different actors, the forms and contents of collaborative knowledge production and thus about the genealogies of social and political spaces on site. It is based on notes, diaries, reports, letters and cartographic works that have been preserved in the Gotha Perthes Collection and that came to Gotha from the region, and it combines global-historically informed, knowledge-historical approaches with self-testimony research. Unlike the later published travelogues, these unpublished sources change the view of the local political conditions in Northeast Africa in the 1860s to 1880s as well as of the Europeans and Africans travelling there. The aim of the project is to develop a more differentiated understanding of European-African spatial knowledge and to profile a new approach to a relational history between Africa and Europe.


Holder of the Professorship for Global history
(History Department)
C18 – Lehrgebäude 4 / Raum 124
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