COSMO – COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring

The aim of the project is to repeatedly gain insight into how the population perceives the Corona pandemic, how the "psychological situation" is emerging. This should make it easier to orient communication measures and reporting in such a way as to offer the population correct, helpful knowledge and prevent misinformation and actionism. For example, an attempt should also be made to classify behaviour that is strongly discussed in the media.

03/2020 - 04/2022

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA),
Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft (TMWWDG),
Staatskanzlei des Freistaats Thüringen :
431 002 Euro

Project participants

University of Erfurt: Philipp Sprengholz, Lisa Felgendreff, Sarah Eitze

Robert Koch Institut: Lothar Wieler, Patrick Schmich, Nora Katharina Schmid-Küpke

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung: Heidrun Thaiss, Freia De Bock, Ursula von Rüden, Christina Merkel, Boris Orth

Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie: Michael Bosnjak

Science Media Center: Volker Stollorz

Bernhard Nocht Institut für Tropenmedizin: Michael Ramharter, Lars Korn, Parichehr Shamsrizi

Funding in detail:

  • BZgA: 51.490,16 Euro
  • RKI: 64.912,70 Euo
  • Klaus-Tschira-Stiftung: 149.900 Euro
  • Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und digitale Gesellschaft: 74.700  Euro
  • Thüringer Staatskanzlei: 90.000 Euro

The COSMO study is designed as a serial cross-sectional online survey in which approximately 1,000 people have participated in weekly to fortnightly data collections since 3.3.2020. Respondents are invited and paid via the panel provider Respondi. Regularly, a representative distribution of respondents between 18-74 years of age by age × gender as well as federal state based on the census data from Germany is aimed at. Since the sample is limited to people with internet access, respondents who are 75 years or older are not included in the analyses.


Summaries of all results can be found at The COSMO Explorer offers the possibility to answer individual questions directly from the data of all waves by making mean values and percentages as well as group differences visible.