As the number of places for the workshop is limited, registration is requested by 10 October 2022 under e-mail:
As the number of places for the workshop is limited, registration is requested by 10 October 2022 under e-mail:
As part of the event, a panel discussion with Iolanda Ventura (Bologna) and Bernhard Schnell (Göttingen) will take place on 20 October at 8 pm in the Coelicum, Domstraße 10, to which the public is also cordially invited. It is entitled "Medicine in the Middle Ages".
When one thinks of "medicine in the Middle Ages", one thinks of Hildegard von Bingen, medicinal herbs and monastic medicine. In a relaxed atmosphere, Iolanda Ventura, an expert on Latin medical literature of the Middle Ages, and Bernhard Schnell, an expert on medieval medicine, will discuss how diverse the study of medicine was at that time, whether "medieval medicine" even existed and what the handwritten books from that time can tell us about it.
The event will be held in German and moderated by Professor Sabine Schmolinsky (University of Erfurt). Admission is free. Registration is not required.